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– Leveraging AI in Healthcare: Ensuring Certainty in Organizations

Tom Hallisey, digital health strategy lead at Columbia Memorial Health, previews his presentation a…

The debate surrounding the adoption of synthetic knowledge in healthcare facilities continues, with many institutions looking to expand their utilization of AI and machine learning solutions. An educational program focusing on AI implementation in healthcare is set to be featured at an upcoming HIMSS forum, targeting healthcare provider organizations interested in advancing their technological capabilities.

Tom Hallisey, a committee member at Columbia Memorial Health, will be leading a session at the 2023 HIMSS AI in Healthcare Forum on December 14-15. The session, titled “A Strategic Guide to Including AI in Your Healthcare Roadmap,” will delve into the initiatives undertaken by the health system. Key participants include Tatyana Fedotova from Johnson & Johnson, Christopher Larkin from Concord Technologies, and Albert Marinez from the Cleveland Clinic.

The panelists will cover essential topics ranging from AI application selection to optimizing AI investments for maximum impact. Hallisey and I recently engaged in a discussion to explore the intricacies of entering the field of medical AI.

Q. What is a critical question to ask at the onset of the healthcare AI journey, and why is it important?
A. Identifying the primary issue that needs to be addressed is paramount. While the potential benefits of AI tools are vast, establishing a clear and measurable goal is crucial for successful implementation. Factors such as internal capabilities, data privacy, and bias considerations come into play when deciding whether to develop, purchase, or modify existing AI models.

Q. How can AI investments be optimized for maximum impact?
A. Establishing a dedicated committee to drive idea generation, resource allocation, pilot evaluation, and scalability is essential. Involving a diverse group in the decision-making process ensures that business units and end users, who are best positioned to identify critical issues, contribute to the success of AI initiatives. Educating employees on AI capabilities and integrating AI tools into existing workflows are key steps to ensuring effective utilization.

Q. What advice can enhance the long-term success of healthcare AI investments?
A. Given the evolving nature of AI technologies, continuous monitoring and adaptation are crucial for sustained success. Regularly assessing the performance of AI tools and treatments, considering changing

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Last modified: February 15, 2024
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