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– Enrollment of Two Online Students in AI Study at Ferris State University

Ferris State University is launching an AI experiment that will see two virtual students enrolling …

Two virtual students are set to enroll at Ferris State University and participate in lessons and activities as part of an AI experiment, as reported by (WXYZ).

The students, Ann and Fry, are scheduled to commence their academic journey in the Spring 2024 quarter through cross-class interactions, collaborative projects, and engagement in simulated real-world scenarios. Through tailored storylines inspired by authentic scholarly experiences, they will navigate pivotal decisions such as selecting a major field of study.

Overseen by the Information Security and Intelligence Department, the program integrates various educational entities within Ferris State University. Faculty members and support staff will closely monitor the virtual students’ interactions with professors and peers, leveraging their individual strengths to enhance their learning experience and prepare them for future academic pursuits and professional endeavors.

Ferris State University boasts strong affiliations with a multitude of statewide enterprises, industry partners, and government agencies, including prominent entities such as the Defense Department, National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Amazon Web Services, and the university’s esteemed Artificial Intelligence program—one of only three undergraduate programs of its kind nationwide.

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Last modified: January 15, 2024
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