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– Meta’s AI Chief Declined Google Director Role in 2002 Over Lower Salary

Meta’s AI Chief Yann LeCun says he turned down a job offer for director of research at Google…

Yann LeCun, Meta’s leading AI professor, reportedly turned down an offer to become Google’s research director back in 2002. In a blog post on X, LeCun detailed the reasons behind his decision, citing concerns such as the company’s size, compensation package, and the need to provide for his teenage children. Despite the potential for a lucrative investment option, he deemed the financial offer insufficient.

Moreover, LeCun noted that Google, with its 600-person team and lack of profitability at the time, would have required him to take on responsibilities beyond research, including aspects of business strategy and management. Preferring to focus on various studies, particularly in machine learning, following his receipt of the Turing Prize in 2018, he expressed a reluctance to uproot his family to relocate to California.

Reflecting on the potential impact of his decision, LeCun speculated that his presence at Google could have influenced the company’s research culture. He suggested that his involvement might have fostered a more transparent and forward-looking environment within the organization.

Recent criticisms of Google’s cautious approach to AI development, especially in comparison to the success of Microsoft-backed ChatGPT, have drawn attention to the company’s strategies. Google’s response to inquiries from Business Insider regarding these criticisms was not immediately available.

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Last modified: January 12, 2024
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