Written by 10:03 am AI

### Innovative Strategies for AI Advancement

Generative AI has the potential to unlock massive creativity. Learn how YouTube is ensuring these o…

Our society, encompassing designers, viewers, and artists, has been vocal about the potential impact of emerging technologies on their lives. This is especially significant in cases where individuals’ voices or faces are replicated online without consent, leading to misrepresentation of their perspectives.

As a response to these concerns, we will soon enable users to utilize our private request system to seek the removal of AI-generated or manipulated content that replicates an identifiable person, including their voice or likeness. When assessing these requests, various factors will be taken into account, and not all submissions may result in the removal of content from YouTube. The decision-making process may consider factors such as the satirical or fictional nature of the content, the ease of identifying the individual making the request, and the public status of the person involved.

Furthermore, we are introducing a feature that allows our music partners to request the removal of AI-generated music that mimics a specific artist’s vocal style or lyrics. Factors such as whether the content is the subject of news coverage, analysis, or critique of the artificial vocals will be considered when evaluating removal requests. Authorized labels or distributors representing artists participating in YouTube’s initial AI audio projects will have the privilege to make these removal requests. In the following weeks, we will expand this access to include more labels and distributors.

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Last modified: November 14, 2023
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