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### AI Curriculum for Spring D91 Pilots

Forest Park School District 91 is embracing artificial intelligence and incorporating it into their…

To prepare students for the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI), Forest Park School District 91 is integrating AI into the eighth-grade education curriculum.

The Superintendent aims to involve students in discussions about AI. In March 2024, the city will pilot the new curriculum with eighth-graders at Forest Park Middle School, as reported by Elizabeth Alvarez. The ideal age for utilizing AI is 13 years and older.

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a subfield of computer technology that focuses on developing intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that previously required human expertise. AI systems learn and can generate responses and content by interpreting speech and identifying patterns.

Educators are deliberating on the extent to which AI should be incorporated into school curricula in light of technological advancements. School districts nationwide have varying stances, with some embracing AI education while others resist it.

District 91 has aligned with other communities across the country in embracing AI technology.

In Georgia, a college community in Gwinnett County, near Atlanta, is at the forefront of AI-driven education spanning all subjects. Similarly, Naperville Community Unit School District 203 near Forest Park has provided eighth to twelfth graders with full access to ChatGPT for city projects.

On a broader scale, President Joe Biden issued an executive order in October directing the administration to develop tools to aid teachers in implementing AI-based educational resources. He also tasked the U.S. Department of Commerce with establishing guidelines for content identification and hashing to detect AI-generated content. Furthermore, Biden urged Congress to pass legislation safeguarding data privacy, especially for children.

Alvarez mentioned concerns raised by some individuals regarding the potential misuse of AI, emphasizing the importance of addressing ethical considerations. She highlighted the need to educate students about biases in AI systems, stressing the significance of critical thinking when engaging with AI technologies.

Recent cautionary tales in the media have shed light on the implications of AI usage, such as its impact on creative industries and historical narratives. Alvarez emphasized the importance of ensuring that students understand their rights and the consequences of AI applications, topics covered in the curriculum.

Forest Park School District 91’s existing programs, like the “Rising Accents” initiative and robotics projects, will benefit from the incorporation of AI into the syllabus.

While some districts have embraced AI education, others have opted against it. Alvarez believes that AI, like past technological advancements such as airplanes, has the potential to shape the future significantly.

Parental attitudes toward AI in education vary, with a majority recognizing its potential benefits. Alvarez emphasized the need for teacher training to ensure the effective implementation of the curriculum and to educate both students and educators on responsible AI usage.

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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