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### Rely on AI for Unleashing Enthusiasm

Nobody wants to be around a terminally negative person. And yet, despite all we have, Aspen is awas…

Anyone interested in spending time with someone who is consistently experiencing depression? Despite the beauty of Aspen and all it has to offer, there is a prevalent sense of frustration, especially among long-time residents. The reasons behind this discontent are well-known, so I won’t delve into listing them.

Instead of dwelling on the causes, I am focused on finding a solution, a remedy for this prevailing mood. To this end, I have delved into diverse knowledge sources. While artificial intelligence (AI) represents a significant advancement in computer technology, individuals who flaunt their expertise often derive a sense of satisfaction from discussing its potential with great complexity. This has led many to believe that AI holds all the answers.

My primary occupations involve crafting direct response marketing content and advising businesses on enhancing their revenue streams. Many have speculated about the possibility of AI replacing me in these roles. Some friends have even questioned how I plan to compete when AI can generate marketing content devoid of any genuine goodwill.

It is crucial to recognize that humans conceived the concept of leveraging AI for advertising benefits. Those in the marketing field who hold contrary beliefs are misguided individuals who lack a fundamental understanding of marketing. AI has the capability to create advertisements that effectively prompt consumers to make purchases. In contrast, certain individuals within the advertising industry, despite their prestigious status, excel in using marketing terminology but fall short in driving product sales, which, in essence, is the essence of marketing.

Renowned marketing expert Neil Patel highlighted that while AI-generated content is on the rise, its actual consumption remains limited. AI is essentially an unthinking, plagiarizing entity that tends to overpromise and underdeliver.

Some writers turn to AI for inspiration. In my quest for positivity amidst Aspen’s challenges, I engaged with Chat GPT, the poster child of artificial intelligence. Searching for an article addressing the issues faced by Aspen residents, I received a piece that commenced with a generic statement about the town’s charm and challenges. However, it lacked the depth and optimism I sought.

Fortunately, amidst this struggle, a radio station played Ian Dury’s uplifting song “Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3.” Ian Dury, a talented songwriter and performer, infused his work with American cultural references, showcasing his unique genius.

Despite such sources of inspiration, like Ian Dury’s music, my outlook remains clouded by pessimism regarding Aspen’s future and its inhabitants. While I appreciate enthusiasm and innovation, the prevalent sense of disillusionment and neglect from the town’s elite make it challenging to embrace optimism fully.

Nonetheless, I’ve resolved to focus on the positive aspects this year, from the awe-inspiring natural surroundings to the simple pleasures like enjoying the views from Midway Pass after an arduous climb. Despite the indifference and inaction of our leaders, I choose to persevere, fostering enthusiasm and steering clear of despondency.

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Last modified: January 8, 2024
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