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### Predictions for 2024: Embracing More Intimate AI Connections Over Text Messaging

A surge in people “dating” chatbots, less oversharing on social media and Gen Alpha cre…

In certain sectors of the technology realm, the year 2023 saw the rise of Chat GPT, Barbenheimer, and child meal, or alternatively, the practice of assembling makeshift meals.

Looking ahead to 2024, we consulted with a few industry insiders to glean insights into the future landscape of the internet. Here are their projections:

1. Increased Interaction with Artificial chatbots:

Casey Newton, a prominent figure at the tech-focused Platformer, shared with NPR’s Morning Edition his perspective on the burgeoning trend of individuals forming personal connections with Artificial chatbots. Newton anticipates a significant surge in people cultivating relationships with these AI entities in the coming year. He highlighted the restrictions imposed by platforms like Apple’s app store, which have hindered the widespread adoption of AI companions for engaging conversations. Newton envisions a future where individuals develop deep bonds with AI partners, be it as spouses, significant others, or non-binary companions.

2. The Ascendancy of Strands:

Newton made a bold proclamation regarding the demise of Twitter in 2023, asserting that it has been eclipsed by Strands. He foresees Strands emerging as the go-to platform for textual discussions on current affairs across social media landscapes. Additionally, Newton predicts WhatsApp to serve as the preferred mode of communication for maintaining connections with distant acquaintances, while TikTok is poised to reign as the premier entertainment app.

3. Diminished Quality of Google Search Results:

Newton expressed concerns about the degradation of Google Search results due to the proliferation of AI-generated content aimed at manipulating rankings for profit. He highlighted the challenges faced by search engines in distinguishing between human-generated and AI-generated sites, leading to an influx of spammy websites loaded with advertising links. Newton underscored the lack of constraints on the utilization of conceptual AI, creating an environment ripe for exploitation and manipulation of search algorithms.

4. Shift Towards Individual Voices:

David Folkenflik, an internet correspondent at NPR, observed a shift towards individual personalities taking center stage over the media outlets they represent. This trend may foster tensions between editors and their respective organizations as audiences gravitate towards personal voices rather than institutional affiliations.

5. Decline in Online Oversharing:

Fortesa Latifi, a journalist specializing in internet trends, noted a cultural shift away from oversharing personal milestones and updates online. The era of incessant posting about every aspect of one’s life is giving way to a more guarded approach to privacy. Latifi attributed this shift to a generational evolution, where younger individuals, influenced by their parents’ online behaviors, are redefining boundaries around digital disclosure.

6. Emphasis on Private Communication:

The allure of showcasing a curated life on platforms like Instagram has waned, as Ann Marie Alcántara from The Wall Street Journal pointed out. Influencers and users alike are increasingly opting for more intimate, private interactions over public displays of their lives. The focus has shifted towards genuine connections with close circles rather than broadcasting every moment online.

7. Heightened Concerns about Unauthorized Online Exposure:

Alcántara highlighted a growing discomfort among individuals regarding the unauthorized sharing of personal content on social media platforms. The prospect of being publicly scrutinized without consent is leading to heightened unease and a desire for greater control over one’s online presence.

8. Evolution of Language by Gen Alpha:

Adam Aleksic, renowned as @theetymologynerd, discussed the rapid evolution of language in the digital age, particularly driven by Gen Alpha. As this generation matures, they are poised to shape linguistic trends and introduce new vernacular into the lexicon. Aleksic noted the dynamic relationship between Gen Z, who pioneers new terms, and Gen Alpha, who adapt and redefine these expressions in innovative ways. The emergence of terms like “rizz” and the evolution of language usage exemplify the transformative impact of these generational shifts on linguistic landscapes.

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Last modified: January 16, 2024
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