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The rise of genAI is making more developers feel like imposters. Here’s how you can empower the one…

Idiot syndrome—doubting your talents to the point where you feel like a fraud—is a topic of ongoing discussion within the software engineering community. The emergence of GenAI and AI-driven coding tools has exacerbated feelings of impostor syndrome among many developers. There is a prevailing concern among individuals whose livelihood depends on coding that AI advancements may eventually replace their core job responsibilities. Consequently, many are striving to incorporate AI-related skills, such as rapid engineering, into their skill sets. So, how can software leaders support their developers during this transitional period? By creating an environment that promotes continuous learning, incentivizes skill enhancement, and recognizes GenAI as a valuable asset for automating routine tasks and fostering quick acquisition of new skills.

What Causes Impostor Syndrome Among Programmers?

The phenomenon of feeling like a fraud is not exclusive to any particular industry, but certain factors in the software development realm can make professionals particularly susceptible to it. Continuous Learning Imperative: Software developers must remain receptive to acquiring new skills or refining existing ones due to the ever-evolving nature of technologies and best practices. The field demands a mindset of perpetual learning, acknowledging that there is always more to explore. Challenges in Incremental Learning: Dr. Cat Hicks, Director of Pluralsight Flow’s Developer Success Lab, highlights that individuals tend to feel more self-assured in their abilities when they can gradually acquire new skills. However, the nature of software engineering often does not align with this incremental learning approach. The prevalent attitude may lean towards mastering specific tools or languages without emphasizing gradual skill development. High-Pressure Environment: Many developers experience significant pressure to upskill or reskill in their limited free time outside of regular work hours. This pressure leads to a constant balancing act between dedicating time to learning and maintaining a work-life balance. Comparisons with peers who showcase complex or innovative projects on social media platforms can further exacerbate feelings of inadequacy among developers. Additionally, the remote work setup prevalent in the tech industry can distort perceptions of peers’ productivity and work habits.

Learning as an Intrinsic Job Requirement

Hicks identifies a “pressure cycle” where developers associate learning with high-stress situations, leading to a perpetual cycle of feeling compelled to acquire new skills amidst challenging circumstances. This cycle can trap individuals in a loop where learning appears daunting and undervalued, amplifying impostor syndrome feelings. Access to learning opportunities within the workplace is crucial for developers, as highlighted in Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey. Despite many companies acknowledging developers’ desire to learn on the job, the focus often remains on measurable outputs like code standards and commits, inadvertently discouraging continuous learning. Hicks’ study involving software developers revealed that the significance of efforts such as code reviews was often overlooked if they did not directly translate into increased lines of code. This discrepancy between stated values and actual recognition can leave developers feeling isolated and undervalued in their learning efforts.

The Era of GenAI

The advent of AI-powered programming tools introduces new dynamics to this scenario. Companies may opt to address skill gaps by relying on Artificial coding tools that emphasize measurable outcomes over fostering a conducive learning environment for developers. While AI tools like GenAI may not experience impostor syndrome, they are not immune to flaws. Large language models (LLMs) trained on outdated or inaccurate data can yield erroneous results, underscoring the importance of data accuracy in AI applications. Tech leaders aiming to empower their developers should view AI as a complement to human learning, leveraging its capabilities to accelerate skill development and automate tasks rather than as a substitute for human learning endeavors.

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Last modified: November 14, 2023
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