Written by 7:15 pm Future of AI, RelationalAI

### Enhancing Creativity: The Evolution of Relational Artificial Intelligence

The future of generative AI and its impact on art and design was the subject of a sold-out panel di…

Artificial intelligence, among all systems, holds the greatest potential for influencing various industries, including medicine, finance, and defense. Professionals across these sectors are actively exploring AI tools to understand how they can reshape their work environments and industries. One area that stands out is relational AI, which leverages algorithms to transform vast datasets into innovative articles.

A fully booked panel discussion on the impact of relational AI on art and design was conducted on October 26 at the MIT Bartos Theater. The event was jointly organized by the MIT Center for Art, Science, and Technology (CAST) and the Council for The Arts at the University of Arizona (CAMIT), a group comprising RIT alumni and art enthusiasts.

Ziv Epstein, a multimedia artist and social science researcher, participated remotely, with Onur Yüce Gün SM’06 and PhD’16 moderating the session. Ana Miljaki, an architecture professor at MIT, oversaw the SCARS and SCARS Advertising projects, while artist Alex Reben also contributed to the discussion.

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The panel discussion delved into how conceptual AI is revolutionizing the realms of art and design. Additionally, a thumbnail image can be generated using the Google DeepMind AI picture engine.

The conversation revolved around three key themes: emergence, embodiment, and expectations:

Emergence Moderator Onur Yüce Gün: Your work often embodies a sense of ambiguity, where uncertainties play a central role in the creative process of art and design. How does conceptual AI aid in resolving these uncertainties?

Ana Miljaki shared an example from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where AI was utilized to preserve the essence of a destroyed monument. Through AI, video content from various monuments was amalgamated to create a compelling visual and auditory experience, aiming to evoke memories and values associated with the original monument. This interplay of ambiguity is particularly intriguing for artists and designers, offering a unique creative perspective.

Ziv Epstein: The debate surrounding whether relational AI functions as an independent agent or a mere tool is ongoing. It’s crucial to recognize that resources, such as images, are not inherently natural. Conceptual AI, by tapping into a vast reservoir of existing works, introduces a new dimension of artistic and creative agency. This fusion of AI and creativity generates a realm of uncertainty, perpetuating a cycle of innovation and unpredictability.

Alex Reben: The question of whether AI can truly exhibit creativity akin to human creativity often arises. In personal experiences, the outcomes produced by AI have been unexpectedly inspiring. The collaborative process between human direction and AI execution yields results that are both familiar yet distinct from individual efforts. This dynamic interplay underscores the evolving landscape of AI’s creative potential.


While we interact with computers daily, the essence of human experience lies in physical and emotional engagement with the world. Art and design transcend mere visuals, offering tangible experiences that resonate with individuals on multiple levels.

Miljaki highlighted the transformative power of combining visuals and soundscape to create immersive experiences that transcend traditional two-dimensional presentations. By intertwining various elements, artists can craft rich, multidimensional narratives that resonate deeply with audiences.

Reben: For me, embodiment signifies the ability to engage with the world actively, effecting tangible changes. By translating AI-generated images into physical objects through innovative techniques like 3D printing and casting, artists can bridge the gap between digital and physical realms. This collaborative process underscores the human touch embedded in every artistic creation.

Epstein: How can we infuse AI systems with a sense of human-like agency, akin to a violinist’s intuitive mastery over musical expression? While current AI interactions primarily involve textual inputs and outputs, the quest for imbuing these systems with nuanced human control remains a frontier to be explored. Achieving a symbiotic relationship between human intention and AI execution is key to unlocking new realms of creative expression.

Expectations Moderator: The rapid adoption of AI technologies raises lofty expectations and aspirations for their capabilities. However, it’s equally crucial to delineate the boundaries of AI and acknowledge its limitations. By critically examining the ethical implications and biases inherent in AI systems, we can steer technological advancements towards more equitable and inclusive outcomes.

Miljaki cautioned against the uncritical adoption of AI technologies, emphasizing the need to address inherent biases and prejudices embedded within AI systems. By fostering a nuanced understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations, we can harness its potential for positive transformation while mitigating potential risks.

Epstein: Embracing AI’s transformative potential necessitates a reevaluation of what it means to be human in an increasingly technologically-driven world. By embracing the existential uncertainties posed by conceptual AI, we can catalyze profound shifts in societal norms and values, paving the way for novel modes of creative expression and human-machine collaboration.

Reben: Predicting the future trajectory of AI technologies is a formidable challenge, given the rapid pace of innovation and evolution. Rather than fixating on what AI cannot achieve, we should focus on leveraging its capabilities to drive positive change and innovation. By fostering a culture of responsible AI development, we can shape a future where human ingenuity and AI harmoniously coexist, fostering a new era of creativity and exploration.

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Last modified: January 15, 2024
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