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### Exploring the Key Features and Implications of the 2023 Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence

The following is the Nov. 17, 2023, Congressional Research Service report, Highlights of the 2023 E…

The Biden Administration issued Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 on October 30, 2023, focusing on the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence: Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy. This executive directive aims to steer responsible artificial intelligence (AI) development and deployment by leveraging federal agency leadership, industry regulation, and collaboration with international partners.

To effectively execute the outlined guidance across eight key policy areas, the E.O. mandates over 50 national entities to undertake more than 100 specific actions. These actions cover a wide array of areas, including security and safety, technology and competition, employee support, addressing artificial discrimination and legal concerns, consumer protection, data privacy, government AI utilization, and global leadership in AI governance.

Within the realm of security and safety, the E.O. stresses the importance of comprehending and mitigating risks linked to AI implementation, spanning biodiversity, cybersecurity, national security, and critical infrastructure. It advocates for the establishment of consistent processes and mechanisms to effectively address these risks.

In terms of technology and competition, the E.O. requires measures to protect the rights of inventors and creators, address emerging intellectual property challenges, and foster innovation in AI, particularly among startups and small businesses.

The directive also highlights the significance of supporting employees by prompting organizations to explore strategies to mitigate potential disruptions stemming from AI’s impact on the workforce.

Acknowledging the potential for AI to perpetuate biases and violate civil rights, the E.O. tackles issues related to artificial discrimination and legal rights. It includes provisions on equity and legal considerations, especially concerning the use of AI within the criminal justice system.

Moreover, the E.O. places a strong emphasis on consumer protection by instructing agencies to identify and mitigate risks to consumers while upholding existing regulatory authorities in the realm of AI technologies.

In terms of government AI usage, the E.O. assigns the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the task of establishing an interagency council to coordinate AI utilization across federal agencies. It also advocates for the adoption of generative AI tools while stressing the importance of maintaining robust security measures. Additionally, the directive calls for increased hiring and training initiatives to bolster the AI workforce within government agencies.

On a global scale, the E.O. asserts the United States’ leadership in shaping international AI regulations, advocating for responsible global AI standards, and engaging with foreign partners to promote ethical AI development and adoption.

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Last modified: February 27, 2024
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