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### Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Insights from NASA and UC Berkeley

Leaders from government, academia, and commercial industries gathered earlier this fall to learn, d…

The future workforce’s landscape is poised for transformation as artificial intelligence continues to advance. At NASA, the implications of this progress are carefully considered and strategically integrated into their operations.

During the inaugural “The Future of Skills in the AI Era” conference held at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, key stakeholders from government, academia, and industry convened to delve into the evolving realm of AI. Organized by the Fisher Center for Business Analytics at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and the newly established College of Computing, Data Science, and Society, the event aimed to stimulate dialogue on potential challenges and opportunities presented by AI across various sectors.

David Korsmeyer, the acting assistant center director at Ames, shed light on NASA’s historical utilization of AI and automated systems, while also envisioning future applications. He highlighted the pivotal role AI could play in enhancing Earth-bound operations and even in space exploration endeavors. Korsmeyer underscored the significance of AI in processing vast datasets, extracting valuable insights, and empowering autonomous decision-making processes for spacecraft missions, envisioning a future where space missions are conducted with a high degree of autonomy.

The conference also delved into the dual role of AI as a tool for education and business, emphasizing the delicate balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities for productivity gains while safeguarding employee privacy rights. Annette Bernhardt, the director of the systems and job program at the UC Berkeley Labor Center, and Frederick Wehrle, an associate professor specializing in scientific interests at UC Berkeley, explored the evolving landscape of knowledge in the era of technological advancement.

Dr. De Vera, a senior scientist at NASA Ames specializing in distributed creative systems, provided insights into the dynamic interplay between human intelligence and artificial intelligence in complex project environments. Emphasizing the complementary nature of human and AI capabilities, Dr. De Vera highlighted the importance of understanding and harnessing the strengths of both to drive innovation in AI technologies effectively.

The burgeoning collaboration between NASA Ames and UC Berkeley spans various AI and intelligent systems projects, including the Advanced Air Mobility initiative aimed at enhancing vehicle capabilities for transporting passengers and cargo. With plans underway for the establishment of the Berkeley Space Center at Ames, future collaborations are poised to deepen, focusing on cutting-edge research in this domain.

For media inquiries or further information on these developments, interested parties can reach out to the NASA Ames office directly.

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Last modified: February 4, 2024
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