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### Honest AI Website Naming Practices

Andrew Rosener and Andy Booth are successful domain investors with different thoughts on .AI domain…

Two respected website owners in the domain investment field are Andrew Rosener and Andy Booth. Over the years, both Andrew and Andy have achieved considerable success in their domain name investments.

The trends in.AI domain investments seem to be evolving in different directions. Andy recently discussed AI domains on Domain Sherpa, shedding light on the topic.

Furthermore, a recent Twitter exchange between Andrew and Andy highlights their contrasting perspectives on AI domain investments:

In my opinion, you may find success with your thoughtfully curated portfolio of .ai domains. However, the returns on these investments may not match those of premium .com domains. Others entering this market might face losses.

— January 3, 2024, Andrew Rosener (@andrewrosener)

Lately, I’ve been exploring potential investment-worthy AI domain names. The names that catch my eye, ones I believe are ideal for AI applications and businesses, are priced above my comfort zone on platforms like Sedo and Dan. It seems that domain owners are aware of the value of their AI domain names and have priced them accordingly.

In my search, I haven’t found many compelling.AI domain names to register. I think that individuals specifically seeking an.AI domain name may discover unregistered options that suit their needs better than what is currently available for purchase.

One aspect that dissuades me is the high cost of around \(150+ for each two-year hand registration. Acquiring 30 domain names with the intent to sell one of them (at a 3% sell-through rate) would require an initial investment of about \)5k, which I find unappealing at the moment.

Domain investment inherently carries risks. While my expertise and research mitigate some of these risks, there is always an element of uncertainty regardless of the domain names I acquire. I am cautious about investing substantial sums in speculative AI domain names. Instead, I prefer focusing on a select few high-quality .com domain names rather than dispersing funds on.AI domains.

Early adopters of.AI domain names stand to gain significant rewards. Individuals like Andy Booth are taking substantial risks with popular AI domains such as Art and AI. While the allure of AI sales data triggers some fear of missing out (FOMO) in me, I prioritize financial prudence over impulsive.AI domain investments. While I may explore purchasing some names in the future, for now, I remain content with my current strategy.

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Last modified: January 15, 2024
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