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### Enhancing Growth Opportunities in Finance Through Stairway’s AI Integration

Ramp and Brex have been vocal about how they believe AI will transform the way they operate and ser…

Can AI Impact Customer Experience and Financial Performance?

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly emphasized by numerous fintech companies, purportedly to enhance customer experience. While this trend is prevalent, the actual extent of AI integration for improving customer services remains ambiguous. Key players in the spend management sector, such as Ramp and Brex, have voiced their beliefs in the transformative power of AI in reshaping their operational dynamics and service delivery.

Recently, Ramp introduced an integration with Copilot, a suite of AI solutions by Microsoft, aiming to streamline spend insights and control mechanisms within Microsoft 365. This integration eliminates the need for toggling between multiple platforms, offering users a seamless experience within their workspace. By leveraging natural language interactions, users can swiftly execute intricate tasks, receive real-time transaction alerts, and issue new cards directly through Teams.

Furthermore, Ramp has introduced additional features to bolster its responsiveness and decision-making capabilities based on customer data. Users can engage with Ramp as a virtual assistant, enabling contextual actions and responses tailored to specific inquiries. For instance, a manager can prompt the Ramp advisor during a discussion to adjust spending limits for employee travel expenses.

Both Brex and Ramp have long been leveraging AI across various operational facets, including screening, fraud detection, ticket matching, and merchant categorization. However, in the past year, Brex has notably expanded its AI investments, particularly focusing on enhancing customer interactions and service quality.

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Last modified: November 15, 2023
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