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### Developer Affirms Human Authorship of Silent Hill: Ascension

After speculation on the use of AI in Silent Hill: Ascension, the CEO of developer Genvid has denie…

After speculation regarding the utilization of AI in the production of Silent Hill: Ascension, the CEO of Genvid, the developer behind the interactive streaming series, refuted any involvement of AI in the creative process.

Viewers of Silent Hill: Ascension raised concerns about the script possibly being AI-generated due to its sudden shifts in tone and disjointed nature. Examples cited included a peculiar berry-man argument that remained unresolved.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Genvid CEO Jacob Navok dismissed the notion that Ascension was crafted by AI, emphasizing that all content was crafted by human writers. Navok disclosed that while Genvid had experimented with AI in the past, those endeavors were unsuccessful and not integrated into Ascension or any other projects.

Navok clarified, “Every word in Ascension was written by real people with extensive experience in writing for various renowned titles.” Despite previous mentions of a “simulation” contributing to narrative branches and the inclusion of writers from esteemed projects like Telltale games and God of War Ragnarök, Navok reiterated that AI played no part in Ascension.

Furthermore, Navok revealed that Genvid had briefly employed an AI filtering system for the live chat during streaming, which was promptly disabled due to technical issues. Addressing criticism on the monetization aspects of Ascension, Navok defended them as a narrative device rather than pay-to-win mechanics.

Despite Navok’s explanations, some fans remain skeptical, pointing to his earlier comments about a simulation generating narrative variations within the series. Vikki, a devoted Silent Hill enthusiast, expressed disappointment in Ascension’s “unstable foundation and erratic progression,” suggesting that it may struggle to resonate with audiences beyond hardcore fans.

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Last modified: February 18, 2024
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