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### Ringo Starr Sets New Record Amid Beatles’ “Now and Then” AI Controversy

Ringo Starr recently addressed the controversy surrounding the Beatles’ song “Now and T…

Recently, Ringo Starr addressed the controversy surrounding the Beatles song “Now and Then,” vehemently refuting claims that artificial intelligence (AI) was utilized to imitate John Lennon’s voice. Starr clarified the situation and expressed his displeasure with the rumors during an interview with the AARP newspaper.

Starr revealed that the song was actually inspired by a video created by John Lennon in the 1990s. The completion of the song faced immediate setbacks due to technical difficulties in separating Lennon’s vocals from the instrumental tracks. Thanks to advancements in AI technology, Lennon’s vocals were successfully extracted from a lower-quality tape recording, coinciding with the production of the Disney+ documentary “Get Back” directed by Peter Jackson.

Collaborating with Giles Martin and Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr worked diligently to finalize the song. McCartney shed light on the role of AI during an interview on BBC 4 Radio, stating, “When we were working on what might be the final Beatles record, we had a demo that John had, and we were able to authentically reproduce John’s voice through this Artificial Intelligence.” He emphasized that AI was employed to enhance Lennon’s vocals rather than replicate them entirely.

In defense of the song’s authenticity, Starr reassured AARP, stating, “There were baseless rumors suggesting that it wasn’t John’s voice but AI, whatever nonsense people were spreading. Neither Paul nor I would engage in such a practice. It’s a beautiful composition that will eventually bring closure.”

During the Radio 4 interview, McCartney expressed his reservations about the use of AI in music, describing it as “somewhat unsettling yet intriguing as it signifies the future.” He concluded by urging patience to witness the unfolding impact of this technology on the music industry.

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Last modified: February 21, 2024
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