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### AI’s 5 Demonstrated Decision-Making Methods

AI holds immense promise not just in automating tasks but taking actions that deliver results.

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in overseeing a broad spectrum of business operations and processes is proving to be advantageous for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and other executives in leadership roles. They are actively seeking the next phase of opportunities and leveraging machine intelligence to navigate complex decision-making scenarios.

As per insights shared by Prasad Ramakrishnan, the Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President of IT at Freshworks, organizations are increasingly entrusting a range of decisions to AI systems, leveraging the advancements witnessed in AI technologies and the processing capabilities of large-scale language models.

AI is progressively becoming an essential element in decision-making across various business domains, including finance, production, and sales. Here are several key areas where AI is exerting a growing influence:

Enhancement of Chatbot Interactions and Decision-making

Intelligent bots are now capable of addressing approximately 80% of routine customer inquiries, leading to cost reductions and an improved customer experience. Customers can swiftly access information from virtual agents that are more adept and engaging compared to earlier chatbot iterations, eliminating the need to wait on hold or navigate complex phone menus.

Ramakrishnan highlights that AI can deliver tailored responses sourced from a knowledge base, adapting its tone and style to suit the context of the interaction.

Organizations are increasingly integrating AI-driven decision-making processes in customer service, leveraging voice and sentiment analysis to handle tasks such as understanding customer intent and recommending appropriate actions.

AI Empowerment in Sales and Marketing

AI equips sales representatives with the insights necessary to close deals efficiently. By aggregating data from customer relationship management platforms, social media profiles, online interactions, and purchase histories, AI systems can identify prospects with a high likelihood of conversion.

Moreover, AI can consider deal-specific information, such as engagement with emails, to prioritize leads for follow-up by sales teams. This targeted approach enables representatives to pose relevant questions and tailor offers to resonate with individual customers effectively.

Ramakrishnan notes that AI can guide sales representatives by suggesting pertinent questions or recommending offers likely to appeal to specific clients, thereby enhancing the sales process.

Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Dynamic pricing strategies, commonly employed by industries like airlines, ride-sharing platforms, and e-commerce retailers, are now accessible to a broader range of businesses through AI. For instance, retail outlets can adjust their online prices based on competitor prices, inventory levels, and customer segmentation.

Hotels can dynamically modify room rates based on factors such as demand forecasts, weather conditions, and local events, optimizing revenue generation opportunities.

Streamlining Supply Chain Logistics

Optimizing supply chains involves intricate considerations, and AI plays a pivotal role at every stage of the process. By creating digital twins—virtual representations of physical assets or systems—AI can simulate real-world scenarios and predict potential breakdowns.

Additionally, businesses can streamline operations by implementing smart contracts through blockchain technology, automating transactions based on predefined conditions. AI analytics tools assist in evaluating supplier performance and capabilities, aiding companies in selecting reliable sources at competitive prices.

Predictive Maintenance Solutions

AI-driven predictive maintenance strategies leverage data analysis to identify inefficiencies in processes and equipment, such as the performance of jet engines, enabling proactive maintenance interventions. By preemptively addressing issues, organizations can reduce costs associated with unplanned maintenance activities and minimize operational disruptions.

Predictive maintenance initiatives, as per Deloitte, have the potential to reduce overall maintenance expenses by 25%, decrease breakdowns by 70%, and enhance productivity by 25%.

Despite the significant benefits AI offers in enhancing decision-making capabilities, it is essential for managers to approach AI integration with caution due to inherent challenges.

Ramakrishnan advises against solely relying on AI engines for critical business decisions, emphasizing the importance of human oversight in assessing the quality and implications of AI-generated outcomes.

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Last modified: February 23, 2024
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