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**The Artificial Era Commences: Year of the Dragon**

Like the Year of the Dragon roaring in today, 2024 will mark the year where AI is applied in real, …

The Ascendancy of AI Disease in 2024

It would be a grave miscalculation to assume that the scourge of AI disease will be eradicated in 2024. The realm of generative AI is rapidly expanding, propelled by advancements in both hardware and software. The preceding year, 2023, merely marked the initial exploration of this vast domain.

In the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, Gen AI is poised to permeate and revolutionize every sector. Organizations are gearing up to leverage general AI as a fundamental component of their operational and strategic frameworks, recognizing its potential and indispensability. CEOs and business leaders are actively seeking ways to integrate general AI into their workflows, acknowledging its transformative impact.

The landscape that unfolds is one where general AI not only presents opportunities but also emerges as a pivotal driver of innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. In 2024, Gen AI will shift from a nascent trend to a fundamental business practice, signifying a transition from cautious exploration to confident, informed utilization.

A deep understanding of how general AI facilitates a broader spectrum of applications, insights, and knowledge stands as a critical enabler in this evolution.

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The deluge of AI-generated content is beginning to reveal its profound implications. The post-2023 internet is poised to be fundamentally different, akin to the transformative impact of the atomic bomb on radioactive carbon dating, owing to the sheer volume of AI-generated content. Since 2022, AI users collectively have generated over 15 billion images, a feat that previously took humans 150 years to accomplish.

Despite the disruptive influence of general AI on the digital landscape, this surge is setting new standards across all sectors, underscoring a critical juncture where abstaining from this technology could prove not only a missed opportunity but also a detriment to competitive positioning.

The Evolving Frontier

The revelations of 2023 highlighted that general AI not only enhances employee capabilities but also transcends industry boundaries. A YouGov survey from the previous year revealed that 90% of workers experienced increased productivity due to AI. With 73% of employees engaging with AI at least once annually, and one in four using it daily.

In a separate study, individuals who received appropriate training accomplished tasks 12% faster with a 25% boost in speed, and overall work quality surged by 40%, with the most significant improvements observed in less skilled workers. However, when faced with tasks beyond AI’s purview, employees were 19% less likely to devise optimal solutions.

This juxtaposition of AI capabilities is often referred to as the “jagged border.” On one end, we witness AI’s remarkable feats, seamlessly executing tasks that were once deemed insurmountable for systems.

On the flip side, areas exist where AI grapples with emulating human intuition and adaptability. These domains, characterized by nuances, context, and intricate decision-making, challenge the binary logic of machines, underscoring the limitations of current AI capabilities.

Affordable Intelligence

As businesses navigate this evolving frontier in 2024, Gen AI projects will witness refinement. The cost of training fundamental large language models (LLMs) is on a downward trajectory, courtesy of advancements in silicon optimization, halving every two years.

The AI chip market is anticipated to become more accessible this year, with solutions from industry stalwarts like Nvidia gaining prominence amidst global supply shortages and escalating demand.

Innovative fine-tuning techniques, such as self-play fine-tuning (SPIN), are leveraging synthetic data to enhance LLMs without extensive human-annotated data, accomplishing more with reduced human intervention.

The Emergence of “Modelverse”

The diminishing cost barriers are empowering a broader spectrum of enterprises to develop and deploy their LLMs. This shift heralds a wave of revolutionary LLM-based applications in the years ahead.

The transition from predominantly cloud-dependent models to on-device AI execution will commence in 2024, capitalizing on the inherent computational power of everyday wireless devices alongside hardware breakthroughs like Apple Silicon.

Simultaneously, the adoption of small language models (SLMs) is expected to surge among large and medium-scale enterprises, catering to specific niche requirements. SLMs, as their name suggests, are lightweight alternatives to LLMs, ideal for seamless integration into diverse applications and real-time scenarios.

SLMs are trained on domain-specific data, sourced internally within enterprises, tailored to specific industries or use cases, ensuring relevance and privacy, unlike LLMs trained on vast datasets.

Harnessing Large Vision Models (LVMs)

The spotlight is set to shift from LLMs to large vision models (LVMs), particularly domain-specific variants, as we venture into 2024. These models are designed to enhance the processing of visual data.

While LVMs trained on generic internet images exhibit adaptability to specialized documents, they encounter challenges due to the prevalence of memes, pet pictures, and selfies online, which differ from the specialized imagery in sectors like manufacturing or life sciences. Tailored LVMs for specific domains, such as disease diagnosis or semiconductor manufacturing, yield significantly superior outcomes. Studies indicate that performance enhancements can be achieved by domain-specific LVM adaptation with around 100K labeled images, substantially reducing the reliance on labeled data. Unlike general LVMs, these models excel in domain-specific tasks like object identification or defect detection.

Furthermore, the adoption of large graphical models (LGMs) is anticipated in various sectors. These models excel in handling tabular data, prevalent in files or databases, and offer novel insights into time-series data comprehension, commonly encountered in business contexts. The bulk of business data falls into these categories, posing a challenge that current AI models, including LLMs, are yet to adequately address. This capability holds immense significance.

The advancements in AI necessitate stringent ethical considerations to underpin these developments. The consensus underscores the imperative for robust legislation to prevent the pitfalls associated with past general-purpose technologies, such as smartphones and social media, which despite their benefits, engendered pervasive negative consequences across societal domains.

The regulation of AI is deemed crucial to avert potential pitfalls, with businesses poised to lead the charge in regulatory compliance to prevent innovation stifling or delayed efficacy.

The debate surrounding copyright emerged as a prominent social quandary introduced by Gen AI. The rapid evolution of AI technology raised pertinent questions concerning intellectual property rights. The crux of the matter lies in determining the protection of AI-generated content, often trained on existing human-created works.

The copyright conundrum underscores the need to delineate boundaries in AI utilization, particularly in content creation. As we navigate the intricacies of AI integration, we are compelled to address the ethical and legal ramifications to ensure a harmonious coexistence between AI-driven innovations and established legal frameworks.

Unleashing the Potential of Deepfakery

The convergence of AI and the monumental electoral events unfolding globally in 2024 has thrust the geopolitical landscape into the limelight. With over half the world’s population slated to participate in national and political elections in countries like the U.S., Taiwan, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and South Sudan, the stakes are higher than ever.

In Bangladesh, where elections loomed in January, disruptions were already evident. Pro-government entities disseminated misinformation fabricated using cost-effective AI tools, posing a threat to public discourse.

The proliferation of synthetic imagery poses tangible risks, as studies indicate that subtle alterations designed to deceive AI systems can influence human perception. The implications of these findings underscore the critical need for further research into the impact of adversarial graphics on both human cognition and AI algorithms.

The concept of watermarking as a means to differentiate authentic content from synthetic creations is gaining traction, albeit with inherent challenges. The universality of detection mechanisms and the prevention of misuse pose significant hurdles. The quest to discern truth from manipulated media raises pertinent questions regarding authority and authenticity.

As we navigate the epochal electoral events of 2024 amid dwindling public trust, the year unfolds as a testament to the tangible applications of AI, both benevolent and malevolent. Brace yourselves for a transformative year where AI’s impact is palpable and consequential.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 11, 2024
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