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### Driving Global Customer Breakthroughs with Business-Level AI Initiatives by Pure Storage

/PRNewswire/ — Pure Storage® (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers the world’s mos…

The leading innovator in the field of information technology, which offers state-of-the-art data storage solutions and services globally, has recently expanded its range of offerings for artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Pure Storage, a trailblazer in the industry, has achieved the NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification for enterprise data storage, positioning itself as a pioneer in delivering Cisco Validated Designs for FlashStack for AI in collaboration with Cisco. This development underscores Pure Storage’s commitment to providing businesses with reliable and efficient access to data for emerging AI initiatives, thereby supporting dynamic and contemporary business outcomes.

Highlights of the Present Moment:

Irrespective of a company’s progress in AI implementation, Pure Storage provides unparalleled efficiency and performance at every phase of the AI workflow, spanning from data acquisition to model training and inference. It stands out as the most comprehensive data storage platform available, enabling customers to embark on AI projects at any scale. Pure Storage fuels some of the most advanced AI endeavors worldwide, offering a flexible data storage infrastructure that can adapt to evolving requirements. The recent enhancements in Pure Storage’s investment portfolio include:

Since the launch of FlashBlade® in 2017 and the introduction of AIRI—a joint venture with NVIDIA for Artificial Intelligence Research Infrastructure—in 2018, Pure Storage has remained at the forefront of tailored AI storage solutions. Currently, Pure Storage holds the distinction of being among the first providers of enterprise data storage to attain the NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification. AIRI streamlines and expedites AI deployment and scaling, allowing businesses to focus on deriving critical insights rather than managing intricate IT processes. Leveraging the latest FlashBlade//STM storage platform, AIRI is constructed on the NVIDIA DGX BasePOD architecture dedicated to AI research.

  • Through collaborative efforts with Cisco, Pure Storage aids IT teams in navigating new AI application frameworks and data pipelines, while mitigating infrastructure and operational silos with FlashStack ® for AI and newly introduced validated designs. The new Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs) featuring AI-accelerated FlashStack and NVIDIA AI Enterprise software serve as automation guides for deploying popular AI models, large language models (LLMs), computer vision, and other applications within virtualized and containerized environments. The combined technologies of Pure Storage, Cisco, and NVIDIA empower IT teams to efficiently and securely deploy AI systems at scale, enabling data science teams to transition projects into production swiftly and with reduced risk. These technologies are the latest and have been rigorously tested through CVDs.
  • Engineering teams tasked with managing platform complexities in multi-cloud environments face challenges related to self-service, data durability, and efficient storage utilization. Portworx ® for AI: Given that AI workloads are commonly deployed in containerized environments to facilitate agile model training and inference, Portworx by Pure Storage enhances data scientist productivity by enabling rapid setup of notebooks and pipelines, eliminating data movement across diverse storage mediums or multi-cloud regions. Moreover, Portworx optimizes cost efficiency by maximizing the utilization of underlying storage resources and safeguards datasets at various stages of the pipeline.

Insightful Perspectives:

“Pure Storage” has delivered high-performance, practical, and container-compatible storage software that the industry requires to leverage vast datasets driving AI applications. Anticipating the rapid evolution of AI technologies from the outset, Pure Storage not only reaffirms its leadership in enterprise AI deployments but also underscores its dedication to furnishing global businesses with a robust data storage infrastructure capable of supporting the most data-intensive AI workloads. We are committed to equipping organizations with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of AI confidently. -Ajay Singh, Chief Product Officer at Pure Storage

  • “Generative AI is being harnessed by businesses across various sectors to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency.” Pure Storage facilitates users in streamlining and scaling their initiatives through NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification, thereby accelerating the generation of AI-powered insights and enhancing return on investment. – Tony Paikeday, Senior Director, NVIDIA DGX Program
  • AI is transforming hardware and software landscapes. By leveraging the recently unveiled Cisco Validated Designs, IT organizations can establish robust frameworks for AI workloads, minimizing design complexities and procurement risks associated with building data, compute, and storage infrastructure for AI data pipelines. Jeremy Foster, Vice President and General Manager at Cisco Compute

Client Dependence on Pure Storage for Advanced AI Operations:

Pure Storage supports over 100 clients across diverse industries, encompassing AI applications such as autonomous vehicles, financial services, genomics, gaming, manufacturing, and more.

“Aera is a globally deployed AI platform for decision intelligence and automation.” This platform, designed to digitize, enhance, and automate business decision-making through fully automated AI engines, partners with Portworx by Pure Storage due to its multi-cloud architecture, efficient resource utilization, and customer-centric flexibility. Portworx serves as the foundational storage solution for Aera, offering optimal cost efficiency and user experience. Shariq Mansoor, CEO and Founder of Aera Technologies

  • The efficacy of our AI Center, which leverages AI and machine learning to enhance various aspects of game development—from graphics and art creation to game planning and beyond—hinges on our ability to efficiently manage, traverse, and process data. Pure Storage’s FlashBlade not only significantly reduces the time and costs associated with data management for AI workloads but also provides unparalleled performance, granting us the flexibility to scale our on-premise AI infrastructure at no additional expense. By leveraging Pure Storage, we have substantially expedited data loading and processing times, thereby enhancing our position as frontrunners in the industry. Jin-hyuk Jang, Director of IT Infrastructure at NCSOFT
  • Through the integration of advanced data capabilities, including AI, into select medical applications,” Pure Storage has empowered us to enhance and elevate patient care.” With Pure Storage, we have established an environment capable of supporting AI, machine learning, and real-time processing requirements, enabling us to seamlessly incorporate additional imaging systems into our ecosystem and expand to include additional imaging modalities in the future to further drive AI and machine learning use cases across St. Joseph’s. Pure Storage has equipped us to confidently address virtually any data-driven use case our organization encounters. Jesse Fasolo, Information Security Officer at St. Joseph’s Health and Head of Technology Infrastructure & Cybersecurity
  • At DKFZ, our focus is on studying cancer development and the factors influencing tumor susceptibility. Central to this endeavor is digital data, underpinned by advanced AI and ML models. Pure Storage’s FlashBlade furnishes us with a reliable infrastructure to efficiently harness vast amounts of data, ensuring swift and secure access for our 1,458 experts. The simplicity, performance, and energy efficiency of FlashBlade not only alleviate the burden on our IT team but also expedite the delivery of valuable insights to our researchers. We look forward to continued collaboration with Pure to accelerate cancer research outcomes. Tobias Reber, Team Leader for Main Machines at DKFZ

Business Significance: Pure Storage has introduced a robust, high-performance, container-ready data storage solution to support cutting-edge enterprise AI initiatives, foreseeing the escalating demand for AI technologies. Customers can initiate their AI journey at any scale with Pure Storage, facilitating the development of large-scale AI training environments and the deployment of sophisticated language models for AI inference.

However, the surge in AI adoption has prompted multinational corporations to swiftly integrate AI technologies into their operations to foster real-time decision-making, operational efficiency, and enhanced scalability. Yet, many struggle to operationalize AI effectively due to the absence of a robust data storage infrastructure that enables seamless data access based on demand, policy, and security requirements while managing costs efficiently.

To address a spectrum of high-performance AI needs, Pure Storage delivers an efficient, high-performance storage platform tailored for AI workloads that is automated, future-proof, and adaptable to evolving demands.

About Pure Storage: Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) simplifies data storage, permanently. By providing a cloud-native experience, Pure empowers organizations to maximize the value of their data while reducing the complexity and cost of managing the underlying infrastructure. The commitment to delivering genuine storage as-a-service grants customers the agility to meet evolving data demands swiftly and at scale, whether deploying traditional workloads, modern applications, containers, or more. Through its environmental sustainability initiatives, Pure aims to significantly reduce data center emissions globally by designing products and solutions that enable customers to minimize their carbon and energy footprint. With the industry’s highest Net Promoter Score, Pure boasts a growing roster of delighted customers worldwide. For further details, visit www.purestorage.com.

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Last modified: February 26, 2024
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