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### Apology from ‘Willy Wonka Experience’ Creator for Misleading Parents with AI-Generated Images

House of Illuminati director Billy Coull addressed controversy surrounding his ‘Willy Wonka&#…

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The individual responsible for the ill-fated “Willy Wonka’s Experience” event in Glasgow, Scotland, which garnered backlash for its AI-generated promotions, has finally addressed the controversy.

Amidst global mockery surrounding the endeavor, Billy Coull, the director of House of Illuminati, took full accountability for the event’s marketing and implementation last week.

Initially touted as an immersive journey into a world where sugary fantasies come alive, “Willy Wonka’s Experience” failed to deliver on its extravagant promises. Despite being advertised as a surreal spectacle featuring vibrant lights and colossal candy exhibits, the reality fell short as it unfolded within a vacant warehouse. Attendees were met with a printed AI backdrop and a lackluster inflatable castle, with a noticeable scarcity of confectionary delights.

The promotional material on the event’s website hyped up captivating live acts with endearing characters singing catchy original tunes, none of which materialized.

Split image of Wonka experienceBilly Coull, the director of House of Illuminati, publicly acknowledged his responsibility for the misleading advertising and subpar execution of the Wonka event. (Stuart Sinclair / Fox News)

The website boasted of extraordinary props, oversized lollipops, and a paradise of sweet indulgences, ensuring an engaging and delightful experience suitable for individuals aged 3 and above.

Contrary to these enticing descriptions, parents from Glasgow were left waiting for over an hour to access the event. Disappointed by the stark and dreary ambiance inside, many demanded refunds for their $45 tickets.

Last week, Coull issued a formal apology on social media regarding the debacle.

“First and foremost, I offer my deepest apologies to each and every one of you who had anticipated this event,” read the Facebook statement. “I acknowledge the letdown and frustration this has caused, and for that, I am genuinely remorseful.”

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Bouncy castle at Wonka experienceDespite its enticing advertisement featuring colorful lights and massive candy exhibits, the event failed to live up to expectations. (Stuart Sinclair / Fox News)

“I request some time to reflect on all that transpired. My aim is to glean insights from this episode,” he expressed. “Your encouragement and empathy during this period are invaluable to me.”

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Coull expressed his surprise at the overwhelming attention the event garnered.

“While it appeared promising on paper,” he remarked.

The Facebook post from House of Illuminati, which received more chuckles than likes, was met with amusement by social media users.

“This seems like it was written by ChatGP [sic] / AI, and yet people still fell for it,” quipped one Facebook user.

“Join me, and you’ll see, an empty industrial setting,” joked another.

However, the parents who felt disillusioned by the event were far from entertained.

“The disappointment was beyond words. It was not just disappointing; it was a disgrace. I paid for Willy Wonka and received Billy Bonkers,” vented a frustrated mother in a Facebook post.

“The actual visit lasted a mere two minutes due to the lack of content. Upon arrival, numerous complaints led to its closure,” another parent shared. “It couldn’t even be classified as an event – it was abysmal.”

Actor Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka

Actor Gene Wilder portrayed as Willy Wonka on the set of the movie ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory,’ adapted from Roald Dahl’s novel in 1971. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images) (Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images / Getty Images)

Fox News Digital’s Kendall Tietz contributed to this report. For more Lifestyle articles, visit www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle.

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