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### Reasons for Google Preferring AI-Generated Content Over Original News

Is Google “boosting” AI-generated content above real journalism? No. Find out why searc…

Co alleged that “Google News is endorsing websites that plagiarize content from other sources by utilizing AI to rapidly produce content.”

Despite an official response from Google’s SearchLiaison, Danny Sullivan, the explanation provided does not fully clarify why certain regions are ranked higher than others in the media.

For publishers, journalists, and writers aiming to improve their search result rankings, this article will explore the factors influencing these rankings and provide specific SEO recommendations.

Is Google Emphasizing AI-Generated Content?

As per Google SearchLiaison on X, Google does not manually elevate specific content to the top of search results.

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original NewsJanuary 2024 image from X

Instead, the content displayed first in search results is determined by the Google algorithm based on specific performance metrics.

5 Factors Influencing a News Article’s Google Search And Discover Ranking

Here are some reasons why AI-generated content, duplication, syndicated material, content aggregators, and unauthorized sources may outrank original news outlets, with examples from the 404 Media report.

1. Credibility

The freshness of news content organized by date is one of the primary reasons cited by Google SearchLiaison for AI-generated content surpassing other creators.

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original NewsJanuary 2024 image from X

Two websites, Watcher.expert and Examiner, are highlighted as top sources by ESPN Spectrum due to their recentness, outranking CNET, Kiplinger, and The Verge.

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original NewsImages captured by Watcher.expert & Examiner, January 2024

Regarding originality, an AI content scanner correctly identified one site’s content as AI-generated but was less certain about the other. The former site included a disclaimer about AI involvement in content creation.

Let’s delve into domain-related metrics from the aforementioned examples.

Observer. Guru, according to Semrush, is more authoritative in Google Search compared to Examiner.com, despite being a newer domain.

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original NewsWordPress image from January 2024

Examiner.com, with a 19-year domain history and more backlinks, enjoys advantages in terms of organic traffic and keyword rankings.

3. Relevance

Relevance plays a critical role in search results when sorting is not solely based on recency.

Google Search Advocate John Mueller noted that syndicated articles might outrank unique sources due to the context surrounding the content on the website, even if it is unrelated to AI-generated material.

4. Accessibility for Crawlers

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original NewsJanuary 2024 image from X

Ensuring Google can access content on a particular domain is crucial for search visibility.

5. API Topics

Google’s Topics API, part of its Privacy Sandbox initiative, aims to enhance user privacy and interest-based targeting without third-party cookies.

The Role of Authors in Rankings

Mueller emphasized Google’s stance on automatically generated content, stating that it violates Webmaster Guidelines, irrespective of its quality.

Google’s evolving approach to AI-generated content emphasizes quality and usefulness, with disclosures recommended for transparency.

SEO Advice for Competing in Google News Rankings

Regardless of the nature of the competition, these SEO tips can aid in improving search rankings.

1. Address Technical Issues Impacting Indexing.

Google offers tools and guidance to address SEO issues hindering content indexing.

2. Utilize Contextual Internal Linking.

Internal links can significantly impact search rankings, especially when linking contextually within your own content.

3. Avoid Linking to Competitors.

Refrain from linking to competitors if you wish to maintain your search ranking advantage.

4. Seek Recognition for Original Work.

Contact content creators who use your research to request proper credit or backlinks, enhancing your visibility and authority.


In the dynamic landscape of search algorithms and AI features, it is essential for businesses to adapt their content strategies to maintain visibility and relevance across various platforms.

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Last modified: January 25, 2024
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