Written by 8:53 pm AI, AI Device

### Oro’s AI Pet Robot: Ensuring Your Dog’s Playtime and Feeding When You’re Away

Robots and pet tech are everywhere at CES 2024, but this “Mary Puppins” of robots (sorr…

When a dog is under stress and susceptible to separation anxiety, departing from home can be as challenging for humans as it is for our canine companions. However, Les 2024 has introduced an innovative automated device packed with intelligent features to cater to your furry friend in your absence. The Oro Dog Companion Robot, promising continuous entertainment, care, food, and comfort, is set to revolutionize pet care. The cutting-edge Oro robot, priced at $799 and slated to begin shipping in April, is the brainchild of creator Divye Bhutani.

According to Divye Bhutani, the Oro robot, equipped with advanced AI technology, offers a myriad of interactive features such as an interactive video screen and two-way audio communication, enabling owners to engage with their pets remotely. Moreover, the robot is capable of capturing photos and videos for sharing on social media platforms.

When separated from your dog during meal times, the Oro robot includes an automated food bowl that dispenses food on schedule or on demand. Additionally, a built-in food dispenser can release treats at your command, ensuring your furry companion is well-fed even in your absence.

The Oro robot also features a basketball thrower that can entertain your dog by launching balls for them to fetch, although training may be required for some dogs to participate fully. Furthermore, Oro utilizes advanced camera and lidar-based mapping technology to monitor your dog’s activities and movements around the house autonomously.

One of the most impressive aspects of Oro is its sophisticated AI system, which learns and adapts to your dog’s behavior over time. By recognizing signs of distress, restlessness, or playfulness, Oro can respond with appropriate actions, such as playing calming music or engaging in interactive play. The robot is programmed to detect behavioral cues specific to ten popular dog breeds, as stress manifestations can vary among different breeds.

In cases where Oro is unable to address your dog’s needs independently, the robot can send electronic alerts to notify you of any urgent issues requiring your attention. Additionally, the Oro app helps you keep track of your pet’s medical records, ensuring you stay up to date on vaccinations and medications.

Although showcased at a recent tech event in Las Vegas, the Oro pet companion robot was not operational, leaving enthusiasts eager to witness its capabilities in action.

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Last modified: January 9, 2024
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