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### Unveiling the Future: Quantum Computing – The Successor to AI

“Companies are betting billions of dollars on this field,” one expert said.

Artificial intelligence captures the attention of major corporations and political figures, yet a global competition is in progress to pioneer what some specialists view as the next groundbreaking technology: quantum computing.

Quantum computers, leveraging principles from theoretical physics, have the potential to revolutionize various fields such as pharmaceutical research, stock trading, and data encryption. This advancement offers a promising economic advantage to the entities and nations leading the innovation, as highlighted by experts interviewed by ABC News.

Leading companies like Google, Microsoft, and Intel are actively pursuing breakthroughs in quantum computing. Recently, IBM introduced its inaugural quantum computer on a university campus, unveiling the device at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York.

Below are the key aspects to understand about quantum computing, its significance, and the latest development at RPI:

Overview of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing harnesses abstract physics principles to significantly enhance a machine’s computational capacity beyond conventional computers.

In contrast to classical or binary computing relying on bits representing ones or zeroes, quantum computing exploits the concept of “superposition” from quantum physics. This allows a single entity to exist in multiple states simultaneously, enabling one computer to perform numerous calculations concurrently, explained Daniel Lidar, an engineering professor at the University of Southern California.

Approximately thirty years ago, physicist Peter Shor demonstrated that quantum computing could swiftly decrypt common internet encryption methods in a matter of hours, a task that would take traditional computers billions of years. This revelation sparked a global race to develop quantum computers.

Significance of Quantum Computing Development

Countries and enterprises at the forefront of quantum computing advancement are poised to gain a substantial edge across various profitable sectors, according to experts.

McKinsey & Company highlighted automotive, chemicals, financial services, and life sciences as the industries likely to witness early economic benefits from quantum computing. By 2035, these sectors could collectively generate an additional $1.3 trillion in value, as per a report.

President Joe Biden’s visit to IBM’s quantum data center in Poughkeepsie, New York in 2022 underscored the strategic importance of quantum computing. The potential capabilities of possessing a fully functional quantum computer are immense, prompting significant investments from governments and companies in this domain.

Although practical applications of quantum computing are still several years away, with thousands of researchers worldwide refining the technology, the potential impact remains substantial.

The Role of the New Quantum Computer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The introduction of the IBM quantum computer at RPI represents a pioneering step as the first of its kind on a university campus.

This cutting-edge machine will enable students to transition quantum computing from theoretical experimentation to practical implementation, as explained by Jay Gambetta, IBM fellow and vice president of Quantum Computing.

RPI President Martin Schmidt emphasized that 30% of the university’s sophomore class major in computer programming. The availability of the new quantum computer will provide students with hands-on experience in one of the latest technological advancements, positioning them as valuable assets in the competitive tech landscape.

Schmidt expressed his anticipation for the exceptional talent that will emerge from this initiative, highlighting the transformative potential of quantum computing in the hands of skilled individuals.

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