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### Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Numerology

Exploring the rise of increasingly popular astrology apps and websites that rely on AI to generate …

As I explore the realm of artificial intelligence and its impact on my career as a knowledgeable and ethical professional, I will strive to avoid giving the impression that this article is a plea for my stance. Given the challenge of instilling individual compassion and intuition into a computer system, I have long believed that this field may be shielded from digital intervention. Nonetheless, technology has always struck me as enigmatic, akin to tarot cards, astrology charts, and psychic phenomena for the average person. The burgeoning popularity of astrology apps and websites employing AI to generate horoscopes and predictions piqued my curiosity, prompting me to delve into these trends.

Scientific advancements have significantly simplified the process of interpreting celestial bodies before I delve into critiquing AI’s approach to astrology. According to Narayana Montfar, the author of Moon Signs, in the past, deities conducted all birth chart analyses manually. Nowadays, numerous applications expedite this process, allowing us to focus more on comprehension rather than fixating on calculations and mathematics. The plethora of tools available today has democratized this ancient wisdom, making expertise more attainable than ever. Enthusiasts have also benefitted from systems, predominantly in the form of apps, which facilitate a deeper understanding of how astrology influences planetary movements. In my view, the evolution of AI will continue to reshape the way we engage with numerology, adding an intriguing dimension to the experience.

Despite my appreciation for the solace offered by celestial tracking programs, the insights I receive tend to be more data-driven than prophetic. I am less concerned about how Mercury’s transition into Aquarius might impact my communication skills; rather, I seek awareness of the timing to inform my readers about what lies ahead. Lisa Stardust, an author and expert, asserts, “AI, from my perspective, is ill-suited for crafting subjective articles on cosmology or astrology as perspective is paramount. It may excel in factual reporting, but it’s essential to remember that individual experiences vary, underscoring the importance of an astrologer.” Astrologers consider a myriad of factors beyond celestial alignments when crafting horoscopes or deciphering birth charts. By contextualizing cosmic phenomena within broader societal themes, we make informed speculations on how these influences might manifest for individuals or groups.

Delving deeper into my research, I engaged with ChatGPT, an AI software, posing direct questions like “What is my rising sign?” and providing all requisite information for a response. The accuracy of my rising and sun signs’ predictions left much to be desired, evoking a sense of disappointment tempered by validation of this technological shortcoming. To its credit, the program recommended consulting a professional astrologer for more precise insights, a detail I found appreciable.

Subsequently, every document I’ve composed bears a persistent ink and sun icon in the top left corner, courtesy of Google Docs’ “Help Me Publish” feature introduced in March 2023. I ponder whether fellow astrologers might leverage this tool to streamline their work or reduce costs if it indeed offers celestial reliability. Pressing the button to inquire about Pisces’ prospects in 2024, I received the following forecast after a brief pause:

In 2024, “Scorpios can anticipate a season of growth and transformation.” Pluto’s extended presence in your sign may provoke profound questions and emotions necessitating introspection. While challenges may arise during this period, it also presents opportunities for personal development. Additionally, Jupiter’s alignment with your sign for a portion of the year heralds auspicious opportunities and fortune, making it an opportune time to embark on new ventures or embrace risks.

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I must candidly admit that this prediction is entirely inaccurate. In 2024, Pluto will not traverse Scorpio but will transition from Capricorn to Aquarius. The next ingress of Pluto into Scorpio is not slated until 2229, marking the lengthiest absence since 1995. Similarly, Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 25, 2024, before transitioning to Gemini for the remainder of the year. Hence, AI’s celestial prognostication in this instance falls short of accuracy.

Nevertheless, there are companies harnessing artificial intelligence to provide more precise and reliable occult forecasts. The Co-Star app, ubiquitous on many smartphones, derives its insights not from human practitioners but from an engine utilizing celestial methodologies and NASA’s astronomical data. While I personally lack a strong connection to the app, I acknowledge its popularity and the fervent endorsement of many clients. Reluctantly, I concede that Co-Star furnishes a comprehensive and intricate analysis of individuals’ experiences by considering their unique birth charts. Users are required to input their birth date, time, and location to enable the program to track significant transits specific to them. If one is amenable to heeding advice from a machine, this confers an edge over generic daily horoscopes.

The Grove in Los Angeles houses an astrology contraption, Co-Star’s latest innovative creation, which may well be the most cutting-edge AI tool in the market presently. During a Thanksgiving visit to his family, I persuaded my partner to partake in this divine robot’s assessment, ostensibly for research purposes. Upon encountering the boxy gray console, a nostalgic wave swept over me, reminiscent of encounters with Zoltar devices from my childhood.

Submitting my natal chart details to the camera and selecting a pre-programmed question—”Am I truly in love?“—elicited a wry smile from me aimed at my significant other. Following the capture of my image and a flicker of lights, a ticket and analysis confirmed my genuine affection for my partner. Further scrutiny revealed noted alignments, indicating Venus’s conjunction with my natal Mars, a detail I independently verified.

In a jest, I prodded my partner to pose the same query, furnishing his birthdate details gleaned from his mother shortly after our nuptials. Despite my unwavering faith in our relationship, the machine remained unconvinced of his sentiments, bluntly asserting, “No, you are not truly in love.” The fact that he now delights in teasing me with this prediction irks me most. Notably, a comprehensive relationship analysis demands a holistic examination of both partners’ natal charts, a nuanced process that AI platforms like Co-Star may oversimplify.

Since the age of ten, I have conducted tarot readings for friends, even establishing a group for this purpose on my 13th birthday. Witnessing the trust people place in these readings and the impact thereof firsthand, I’ve encountered clients entrusting me with life-altering decisions. It perturbs me to contemplate individuals seeking guidance from such systems on matters of love, finances, or career trajectories, potentially altering the course of their lives. The repercussions of consulting AI for advice in scenarios akin to that of naïve, less experienced couples remain a cause for concern.

Venturing further, I posed two additional queries, yielding disparate outcomes. When advised to explore a different career path, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the suggestion. AI posited that my reluctance to transition stemmed from fear, whereas in reality, I derive immense satisfaction from my current vocation. Conversely, when prompted about my potential legacy, the response emphasized the value of sharing knowledge—a stark contrast to the prior recommendation. Such inconsistent responses underscore the limitations of AI in providing nuanced and empathetic insights akin to those offered by human astrologers.

AI-driven observations often lack the discernment and consistency crucial in such consultations. When engaging with clients in real-time, I pick up on their energy and emotional cues, informing my decisions based on these subtle signals. My role is to hold space with compassion and empathy, fostering a sense of security for individuals navigating vulnerability. Stardust aptly notes, “While it would be remarkable if AI could exhibit empathetic and intuitive understanding, computers are unlikely to possess such capabilities.” While dabbling in computer-generated insights for amusement can be entertaining, relying on them for substantial career guidance may prove ill-advised.

In moments of distress, anxiety, or trepidation, the solace derived from comforting words is unparalleled, a realm where AI’s current sophistication falls short. Montfar underscores, “No matter how advanced it becomes, a machine will never replicate the human touch and lived experience.” The potency of an astrology reading lies in the astrologer’s firsthand encounters and intimate understanding of these mystical realms. By navigating occult pathways personally, we astrologers comprehend the profound impacts of these influences, enabling us to empathize with clients and perceive situations from their vantage point. I do not advocate forsaking preferred numerology programs, as they offer immense enjoyment. However, exercising caution in heeding their counsel and considering consulting reputable practitioners for weightier matters is prudent.

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Last modified: January 26, 2024
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