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– US Intelligence Meddling Disrupts China-Middle East AI Collaboration

In a move to thwart China’s technology cooperation with other countries, US media revealed th…

In a bid to obstruct China’s technology partnerships with other nations, US authorities have reportedly cautioned Emirati artificial intelligence (AI) company G42 regarding its collaboration with China. Responding to this, a Chinese foreign ministry representative accused the US of engaging in “economic coercion” under the guise of baseless security concerns, thus undermining Chinese firms’ collaborations with international partners. This move by the US, as Chinese experts highlighted, not only hampers the developmental progress of Middle Eastern countries but also casts a shadow over the recently reinitiated discussions between China and the US on AI advancement.

According to The New York Times, during a visit to the White House in June by National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the UAE, American National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan raised concerns about G42, an AI company suspected by American officials of concealing the extent of its interactions with China.

Reports from the CIA and other US intelligence agencies have raised red flags about G42’s collaborations with major Chinese entities deemed security risks by the US, including Huawei, the telecom behemoth currently facing US sanctions.

US officials are apprehensive that G42 could serve as a channel for channeling advanced American technology to Chinese firms or the government. Additionally, intelligence reports suggest that G42’s associations with Chinese corporations could potentially facilitate the transfer of genetic data from millions of individuals, including Americans, to the Chinese government. Despite these allegations, G42 has refrained from commenting on the matter.

In response, Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed ignorance about the specifics of the situation and criticized the US for repeatedly sabotaging collaborations between Chinese companies and foreign partners on unsubstantiated grounds of security threats, labeling it as economic coercion.

The Chinese spokesperson emphasized China’s opposition to the US stretching the concept of national security, politicizing economic and trade matters, and obstructing normal investment activities, which in turn disrupts global economic order and trade rules. Meanwhile, recent reports suggest that Middle Eastern wealth funds are facing increased scrutiny from the Biden administration concerning deals with perceived ties to Beijing.

As per Bloomberg, US officials have raised concerns about technology, infrastructure, and data reaching the UAE potentially ending up in Beijing’s hands. This scrutiny is particularly stringent for Abu Dhabi due to decision-making authority residing with a select few royals, impacting national security, foreign policy, and international investments.

Despite these challenges, China has been actively engaging in high-tech cooperation with Middle Eastern nations in fields like AI and communication, offering significant potential for mutual growth. However, the US interference in China’s technological partnerships with the Middle East could hinder the region’s transition and development, as highlighted by experts.

The US crackdown on China’s tech collaborations in the Middle East coincides with recent joint efforts between Beijing, Washington, and other countries to advance AI development through declarations and government talks. Chinese experts caution that if the US continues to obstruct collaborations with China while outwardly discussing AI cooperation, it could jeopardize the prospects of enhanced collaboration between the two nations in the future.

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Last modified: February 18, 2024
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