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– Tyler Perry Pauses $800M Studio Growth Due to Worries About OpenAI’s Sora

Perry’s planned expansion would have added 12 sound stages to the Atlanta backlot.

Tyler Perry’s $800 million studio expansion project in Atlanta has been halted due to his increasing concerns about advancements in artificial intelligence. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Perry emphasized the necessity for industry regulations to mitigate AI’s potential impact, stating that protective measures are essential for survival.

The primary reason cited for the pause in the studio expansion was OpenAI’s text-to-video tool, Sora. Perry, who had been meticulously planning the expansion for the past four years, expressed how closely he had been monitoring AI developments and the specific influence of Sora on his decision to halt the project.

While Perry acknowledged utilizing AI technology in his upcoming films, such as digitally aging himself in post-production instead of using makeup, he also voiced apprehensions about the widespread automation that could lead to job losses within the industry. He highlighted the potential repercussions on various roles in filmmaking, including actors, crew members, and post-production staff, underscoring the far-reaching impact AI could have on the entertainment sector.

Despite recognizing the benefits of AI in streamlining certain aspects of filmmaking, Perry stressed the importance of preserving the value of human labor and the livelihoods of those dedicated to the industry. He urged for a balance between technological advancements and compassion for the individuals who have contributed to the entertainment field.

Recently, Perry extended his collaboration with Netflix through a multi-year, first-look series agreement, expanding on the existing feature film partnership established in October. The decision to pause the studio expansion reflects Perry’s proactive stance on addressing the implications of AI in the entertainment landscape.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 23, 2024
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