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### Tyler Perry Urges Entertainment Sector and Government to Tackle AI Threat to Business Survival

He has seen the future, and filmmaker Tyler Perry is worried that AI will kill much of the business…

Tyler Perry has witnessed demonstrations showcasing the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Although impressed by the technology, he is also raising concerns about its implications.

The renowned filmmaker has decided to pause his ambitious $800 million expansion project for his Atlanta studio after being introduced to OpenAI’s text-to-video model, Sora, which has garnered attention for its cinematic video production.

During a conversation with the Hollywood Reporter, Perry issued a cautionary message to fellow filmmakers, emphasizing the profound impact of AI on their industry. He expressed awe at the actual demonstration of AI’s capabilities, stating, “Being informed about its potential is one thing, but witnessing its capabilities firsthand was truly mind-blowing.” While acknowledging the business opportunities AI presents, he also highlighted the need for regulations to safeguard the livelihoods of industry professionals. Perry stressed, “There must be regulations in place to ensure our protection. Without them, I fear for our survival.”

Reflecting on the advancements in AI, Perry revealed his decision to halt the studio expansion that would have significantly enlarged the backlot and added 12 additional soundstages. This decision was influenced by the disruptive potential of AI technologies like Sora. He shared, “All of my plans for expansion are currently on hold indefinitely due to the revelations brought by Sora and its capabilities. Witnessing the recent demonstrations has been nothing short of shocking.”

Perry elaborated on the transformative impact of AI on the filmmaking process, envisioning a future where tasks such as location scouting and set construction could be replaced by AI-generated content. He expressed concern for the multitude of industry professionals whose roles could be jeopardized by this technological shift, including actors, crew members, and post-production staff.

Despite his reservations, Perry acknowledged incorporating AI into his upcoming film projects. He emphasized the necessity of a collaborative industry-wide effort to address the challenges posed by AI integration, stressing the urgency of protecting the future of the entertainment sector. Perry underscored the need for collective action to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of the industry, recognizing the far-reaching consequences for various roles within the ecosystem.

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Tags: , , Last modified: February 23, 2024
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