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### AG Bonta Takes Notice of Allegations Surrounding Unauthorized Photo Sales by Clearview AI

A facial recognition company is being accused of violating state privacy law – including scra…

A company specializing in facial recognition technology, Clearview AI, is under scrutiny for allegedly violating state privacy regulations by illicitly extracting images from websites and selling them to law enforcement agencies. Recent reports suggest that these practices are disproportionately affecting communities of color.

Consumer Watchdog’s investigation revealed that Clearview AI has amassed a vast database of over 40 billion photos by scraping websites, particularly social media platforms. The company is accused of profiting from the sale of these images to governmental bodies and potentially foreign entities.

Jerry Flanagan, the head of litigation at Consumer Watchdog, expressed concerns about the widespread inclusion of individuals in Clearview AI’s database, emphasizing the company’s intrusive and potentially illegal practices. Despite California laws explicitly prohibiting the unauthorized use, purchase, or sharing of individuals’ images, Clearview AI continues to operate without statewide restrictions.

While Clearview AI touts its technology as a tool for enhancing public safety by assisting law enforcement in identifying suspects and aiding in criminal investigations, critics argue that the system’s high error rates, particularly in identifying individuals with dark skin tones, raise significant concerns about accuracy and potential biases.

In response to allegations from Consumer Watchdog, Clearview AI asserts that individuals in California can opt out of data sharing to prevent the collection of their images in the future. The company also disputes claims regarding the reliability of its facial recognition technology, citing validation from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Despite assurances from Clearview AI regarding compliance with California laws on minors’ data and the implementation of opt-out measures, skepticism remains about the transparency of data usage and the potential misuse of the technology.

Consumer Watchdog has called for an investigation into Clearview AI’s practices by reaching out to California Attorney General Rob Bonta and the California Privacy Protection Agency. While some municipalities like San Francisco and Oakland have banned the use of Clearview AI by local agencies, the technology has reportedly been deployed in other areas, leading to legal challenges against the company.

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Last modified: December 28, 2023
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