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– Mercy Introduces AI Messaging System to Prevent Hospital Referrals

New artificial intelligence technology is being used to help cancer patients at Mercy Hospital.

At Mercy Hospital, cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology is now employed to aid cancer patients in their treatment journey. The AI messaging platform serves as a means to interact with individuals undergoing chemotherapy, offering timely alerts regarding any potential symptoms that may require medical attention to prevent escalation.

Julie Farmer, currently undergoing treatment for small-cell lung cancer that has metastasized to her heart, frequents Mercy’s Pratt Cancer Center for her scheduled care sessions every three days following her diagnosis in September. Among the beneficiaries of the innovative messaging system is Farmer herself.

A producer commented on the personalized care facilitated by the AI system, emphasizing the constant support available to ensure the patient’s well-being. The system initiates conversations with patients like Julie, inquiring about their current status and reminding them to report any discomfort or unusual symptoms promptly.

Dr. Bethany Sleckman, overseeing urology and cancer services at Mercy, highlighted the AI algorithm’s ability to identify high-risk individuals post-treatment, aiming to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions through proactive monitoring and intervention.

The messaging system, developed by data expert Professor Jiajing Chen, is aptly named The Chen Chemotherapy Model in honor of her dedication to enhancing patient care. Inspired by her late wife’s commitment to the project, Andy Greenwood expressed gratitude for the positive impact of the technology on patient outcomes.

Despite Chen’s unfortunate passing earlier this month, her legacy lives on through the AI system she helped create. Greenwood acknowledged her relentless efforts to refine the technology, driven by a desire to support others during her remaining time.

Greenwood emphasized the importance of continuous monitoring by healthcare providers to improve patient care, drawing from his personal experience with his family’s medical journey. Reflecting on the challenges they faced, he praised the compassionate care team that provided invaluable support during their hospital visits.

Patients have the option to opt in or out of the AI messaging service, which is part of Mercy’s broader initiative to integrate AI solutions across their healthcare system in collaboration with Microsoft. This strategic partnership aims to leverage technology for enhancing patient care and operational efficiency within the hospital setting.

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Last modified: February 17, 2024
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