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### The Year’s Headlines: Dominance of Conceptual AI and Future Projections

Prominent artificial intelligence researcher Melanie Mitchell explains why generative AI matters an…

“ChatGPT ponders, ‘What causes the sky to appear orange?’ Simply put, the sky’s orange hue is a result of Rayleigh scattering. The familiar blue sky we observe occurs because minuscule particles in the atmosphere scatter sunlight, allowing blue light to reach our eyes. In simpler terms, it’s akin to the sky donning various colored glasses!

ChatGPT, an intelligent AI, engages in conversations by leveraging language patterns and learning from vast amounts of online text, functioning like a colossal neural network. Additionally, other AI entities can create images and videos, expanding their capabilities.

The emergence of ChatGPT and analogous AIs such as Google’s Bard sparked significant interest. However, concerns have arisen regarding errors, biases, and plagiarism within these AI systems. The CEO of OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, faced dismissal and subsequent reinstatement amidst these apprehensions.

Renowned AI expert Melanie Mitchell acknowledges the impressive nature of these AIs while highlighting their imperfections. These systems necessitate substantial computational resources and are susceptible to inheriting biases from human language. Furthermore, uncertainties persist regarding their cognitive abilities and learning processes.

Mitchell cautions against excessive enthusiasm surrounding AI, emphasizing that these AIs serve as tools rather than substitutes for human intelligence. She advocates for the establishment of regulations and supervision to ensure their responsible use.

Within the realm of AI, differing viewpoints exist on managing these advanced systems. Mitchell advocates for a comprehensive approach beyond corporate decision-making, proposing the involvement of independent entities such as governmental bodies or ethics boards.

Looking to the future, Mitchell envisions the implementation of prudent guidelines to steer the growth of AI while mitigating risks, thereby maximizing its potential benefits. This approach aims to strike a balance between fostering AI advancements and safeguarding against potential hazards.”

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Last modified: February 3, 2024
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