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### The AI Poll Crisis Continues to Elude Detection

Hi, welcome to your Weekend.We’re nine days away from the official start of the race for the White …

Greetings and welcome to your weekend activities.

The countdown to the Iowa Republican caucuses on January 15 marks the commencement of the White House race, just over a week away. Many individuals are already expressing concerns about this upcoming election for various reasons. At the forefront of these apprehensions are technologists who foresee a potential intersection of artificial intelligence and voting processes. However, the question remains: is this a plausible scenario?

Contrary to the alarming predictions of deepfakes and manipulative chatbots influencing elections, Alexandra Lindsay and Greg Dale offer a more grounded perspective in this week’s editorial. Drawing from their extensive experience in the realm of election strategies, having contributed to numerous political campaigns at various levels, they provide insights into the potential impact of AI on the upcoming 2024 elections. Additionally, as the minds behind the insightful publication AI Political Pulse, they delve into discussions surrounding AI governance and policy.

Their analysis presents five key predictions on how AI might shape the electoral landscape, debunking fears such as audio deepfake robocalls while also dispelling notions of AI swaying public opinion through hyper-personalized tactics. Instead, they highlight the positive role AI could play in facilitating multilingual communication between political campaigns and voters. Amidst the lingering concerns about the future implications of AI in electoral processes, their optimistic outlook offers a refreshing perspective on the subject.

For further insights into the intersection of politics and policy, delve into Nancy Scola’s engaging conversation with Jessica Rosenworcel, the chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Rosenworcel’s proactive stance towards regulating Elon Musk’s Starlink initiative, amidst the proliferation of communication satellites in the skies, adds an intriguing dimension to the discourse. Notably, the mention of Brian Rosenworcel, the musician from the alternative rock band Guster, adds a touch of levity to Nancy’s narrative. And speaking of satellites, the most popular Guster track on Spotify happens to be “Satellite.”

Now, let’s delve into the highlights for this weekend.

Did AI-empowered deepfakes manipulate the outcome of the impending presidential election? Unlikely. Alexandra Lindsay and Greg Dale delve into the potential risks associated with AI in this week’s insightful editorial.

Elon Musk and FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel find themselves at odds over net neutrality issues. A clash of ideologies is on the horizon.

A diverse array of characters and narratives unfolds on the #UltimateWorldCruise TikTok, offering glimpses into unique experiences and encounters. From a retired couple enjoying their inheritance to a Black female traveler mistaken for a cruise ship employee, the stories are as varied as they are captivating.

Exploring the intersection of social media and healthcare, Forbes contributor Alexandra Levine sheds light on TikTok’s foray into revolutionizing drug discovery. The potential impact of leveraging AI for scientific advancements is a focal point in this evolving landscape.

Examining the lucrative market of targeted advertising to minors on social media platforms, a recent Harvard study reveals the substantial revenue generated from this demographic. With increased regulatory scrutiny, social media companies face mounting challenges in safeguarding young users.

“In your golden head, inside of you.”

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Until next time,


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Last modified: January 12, 2024
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