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### Visionary Leaders Supporting AI Builders for the Betterment of Society

AI is a powerful force. What if we used it for good? In this year’s roundup, I’m celebr…

AI’s Potential for Good: A Glimpse into Philanthropic Leaders’ Insights

In the realm of AI for humanity, the focus is shifting towards leveraging this powerful force for good. Fast Forward, an organization dedicated to accelerating AI-powered nonprofits (APNs), is at the forefront of this movement. These APNs are tackling issues like pollution, education inequities, and poverty, aiming to enhance the quality of life for underprivileged communities. The key to realizing this vision lies in supporting the innovators driving these initiatives.

Insights from Visionary Philanthropy Leaders:

Reid Hoffman | Greylock

Reid Hoffman, a Partner at Greylock, emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in addressing global challenges. He highlights the impact of AI in education and healthcare, citing examples like Khan Academy’s “Khanmigo” that personalize learning experiences. By investing in APNs like Recidiviz, Hoffman underscores the importance of scaling tech solutions for social good.

Vilas Dhar | Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

Vilas Dhar, President of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, advocates for inclusive AI development that prioritizes societal well-being over profit. He envisions AI empowering vulnerable communities to drive climate solutions and improve healthcare accessibility through initiatives like Climate TRACE.

Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink from Google.org emphasizes the efficiency gains AI brings to nonprofits, enabling them to achieve goals faster and at reduced costs. By supporting projects aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Google.org showcases the transformative potential of AI when developed by those closest to the problem.

Anu Malipatil | Overdeck Family Foundation

Anu Malipatil of the Overdeck Family Foundation highlights AI’s role in revolutionizing education, particularly in early literacy and student assessment. By ensuring equitable access to AI tools, philanthropists can help all children reach their educational potential.

Suzanne DiBianca | Salesforce

Suzanne DiBianca, EVP and Chief Impact Officer at Salesforce, underscores the importance of responsible AI deployment in driving positive social change. Through initiatives like the AI for Impact Accelerator, Salesforce is empowering nonprofits to leverage AI for education and workforce development.

Stephanie Lo | Endless Network

Stephanie Lo, Head of Philanthropy at Endless Network, stresses the need to support AI builders to prevent marginalized communities from being left behind. Initiatives like Learning Equality, using AI to deliver offline educational content, exemplify the transformative potential of AI in enhancing learning outcomes.

In a world where AI is poised to reshape industries and societies, these philanthropy leaders are paving the way for a future where AI serves humanity’s best interests. By backing the innovators and builders in the AI for good space, we can collectively harness the power of AI to create a more equitable and sustainable world.

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Last modified: January 18, 2024
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