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### Agreement Reached by the US and 30 Countries to Set Up Defense Artificial Intelligence Protocols

The tech-centric war in Ukraine and the success of ChatGPT have prompted new interest in figuring o…

When officials, technical managers, and researchers convened in the UK last week to discuss the risks associated with artificial intelligence, one of the primary concerns raised was the potential for AI systems to revolt against their human operators. The meeting also yielded progress in curtailing the utilization of AI in military contexts with subtlety.

During an address at the US embassy in London on November 1, Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled various initiatives related to AI, underscoring the risks it poses to fundamental political principles and human rights. Despite these apprehensions, she publicized a charter endorsed by 31 nations aimed at establishing regulations for the deployment of AI in military settings. This charter commits signatories to a gradual and transparent development of military AI, prevention of inadvertent biases in AI systems, ongoing dialogue on responsible technology utilization, and adherence to international laws through legal reviews and training.

Emphasizing a cautious approach to the military application of AI, the charter advocates for a balanced assessment of risks and benefits while striving to minimize unforeseen biases and incidents. It also advocates for safeguards that empower military AI systems to halt or retract operations in the event of “unintended behavior.”

Although the charter represents a significant international agreement to impose intentional constraints on military AI, it lacks legal binding. Concurrently, the UN introduced a resolution from its General Assembly on the same day, calling for a comprehensive evaluation of lethal autonomous weapons and potentially paving the way for restrictions on such weaponry.

Lauren Kahn, a senior research analyst at the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) at Georgetown University, hailed the US-led declaration as a pivotal development. She anticipates that it will enhance safeguards and transparency in weapon system applications, offering a pragmatic pathway towards a binding global consensus on the standards governing the development, testing, and deployment of AI in defense systems. Kahn expressed confidence in the universal acceptance of these “common-sense agreements.”

The nonbinding declaration, initially drafted after a conference on military AI held in The Hague in February, urges nations to affirm human control over nuclear arms. The signatories of the declaration are set to reconvene in early 2024 for further deliberations.

Notably, the charter has garnered support from US-aligned countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and France, as announced by Vice President Harris in London. However, notable absentees from the pact include China and Russia, renowned for their advancements in autonomous weapons technology. Despite this, China did join the US in signing a charter addressing the perils of AI at the AI Safety Summit.

While the concept of military AI often evokes images of autonomous weapons capable of independent decision-making in combat scenarios, the US Pentagon advocates for human oversight to exercise discernment in the use of force. The recent declaration prioritizes the responsible and accountable deployment of AI in military operations, steering clear of a categorical ban on specific AI applications on the battlefield.

Efforts to regulate lethal autonomous weapons gained momentum with a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly’s First Committee, addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by such weaponry. The resolution underscores the imperative of input from international bodies, humanitarian organizations, civil society, and industry stakeholders in navigating the ethical and legal complexities of autonomous weapons.

As discussions on military AI evolve, the focus remains on mitigating risks associated with malfunctioning AI systems that could inadvertently escalate conflicts. The ongoing dialogue on autonomous weapons signals a paradigm shift in the global discourse surrounding AI in warfare, reflecting a concerted effort towards ethical and accountable deployment of emerging technologies.

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