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### Landmark Decision on Artificial Intelligence Adopted by the United Nations

The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a landmark resolution on the promotion of “safe, secure…

The Assembly, under the leadership of the United States, commended the emphasis on safety, respect, and the advancement of human rights in the design, development, execution, and utilization of AI by endorsing a draft resolution without the need for a vote.

The term “founder-sponsored” was supported by over 120 Member States.

According to the General Assembly, AI technologies can expedite and facilitate the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

This marks the first instance where the Assembly has endorsed a resolution governing this emerging field. The approval signifies a significant progression towards ensuring the secure utilization of AI, as indicated by a purported statement from a US National Security Advisor earlier this month.

Parallel Liberties, Both Online and Offline

The Assembly called upon all Member States and collaborators to reject the deployment of AI systems that contravene international human rights standards or present undue risks to human rights enjoyment.

It emphasized that individuals are entitled to the same rights online as they are offline, including over the entire lifecycle of AI systems.

Moreover, the Assembly encouraged all nations to establish and bolster regulatory frameworks and mechanisms pertaining to the safe, dependable, and trustworthy application of AI. This initiative encompasses entities from the private sector, civil society, research institutions, and the online sphere.

Bridging the Contemporary Divide

The Assembly acknowledged the disparities in national and international scientific progress and the challenges that developing nations face in keeping pace with rapid technological advancements.

It called upon Member States and other stakeholders to collaborate and assist developing countries in achieving inclusive and equitable access, bridging the digital gap, and enhancing digital literacy.

Optimism Across Diverse Sectors

Ahead of the implementation, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, introduced the resolution.

She expressed hope that the “inclusive and fruitful discussions that led to this resolution” would set a precedent for future dialogues on AI matters in various domains, including peace and security, and the responsible military utilization of AI technologies.

Ms. Thomas-Greenfield highlighted that the resolution aimed to complement the ongoing efforts of the UN, including UNESCO, among others.

“We aim for it to support forthcoming UN endeavors, such as the negotiations for a global digital compact and the activities of the Secretary-General’s high-level advisory panel on artificial intelligence,” she remarked.

Governing AI

Ms. Thomas-Greenfield underscored the global community’s responsibility to “control this technology rather than allowing it to control us” and the potential it holds.

“Let us reaffirm our commitment to developing and deploying AI with a human-centered approach, prioritizing dignity, safety, security, human rights, and fundamental freedoms,” she emphasized.

“Let’s pledge to leverage this technology to advance common objectives related to sustainable development and bridge the digital disparities among nations.”

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