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### Leveraging AI and Robotics for Enhanced Care: Insights from Clyde & Co

In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in healthcare has adv…

In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the healthcare sector has been remarkable. This article delves into the evolving landscape of AI and robotics in healthcare, highlighting global progress and the potential implications for care claims inflation.

In May 2023, the former UK Health Secretary, Steve Barclay, expressed optimism about using AI and robots to address the social care crisis. He emphasized the importance of exploring innovative approaches to healthcare adopted by other nations. While the UK Government focuses on reducing NHS waiting times and tackling social care challenges, the integration of robotics and AI stands to significantly impact the costs associated with care packages for both adult and pediatric claims.

Global Progression

United States

In the United States, numerous healthcare facilities have started incorporating AI algorithms in radiology to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of diagnostics. Additionally, the US has been at the forefront of utilizing robotic surgical systems like the da Vinci Surgical System. Initial findings suggest that robotic surgery can be less invasive and lead to quicker recovery times for patients. The emergence of health startups leveraging AI for various applications, from telemedicine to personalized medicine, underscores the importance of staying informed about these technological advancements.


Japan has been a pioneer in deploying robotics for elderly care. Significant investments have been made to introduce robots into care facilities, enabling interactions with patients, including those with dementia. These robots can monitor patients during sleep, alert caregivers to emergencies, and assist with tasks like lifting patients, potentially reducing manual handling claims. Japan also utilizes exoskeletons and assistive devices to improve mobility and support its aging population.

South Korea

In South Korea, there is a focus on utilizing robotics for rehabilitation, particularly in the development of exoskeletons and devices to aid patients in regaining mobility.

United Kingdom

In the UK, there are 22 ongoing projects exploring the integration of AI in the healthcare sector. Hospitals in Bristol are utilizing robots to enhance operational efficiency and are experimenting with patient interaction. Surgical robots are already being used for procedures, with the Versius robot leading the way in 70 UK hospitals. Companies like Open Bionics have developed innovative 3D printed bionic arms for both adults and children, offering enhanced functionality and mobility.


In Spain, Inrobics Social Robotics S.L.L has made strides in developing robotic devices for motor and cognitive rehabilitation in care settings. Clinical trials conducted at the Spanish National Hospital for Paraplegics have shown promising results, with patients experiencing improved mobility following exoskeleton-driven interventions.

Impact on Personal Injury Claims

The integration of AI and robotics is reshaping personal injury claims, with claimants increasingly seeking damages for modern technologies integrated into healthcare. Key areas of impact include advanced medical interventions, personalized care plans, long-term care costs, influence on future employability, and the complexity introduced to claims processes.

Addressing Care Claims Inflation

To mitigate the inflation of care claims, compensators can adopt proactive measures such as staying informed about advancements, engaging medical and IT experts, challenging the necessity of advanced interventions, collaborating on care planning, and emphasizing pre-existing conditions to ensure accurate cost assessment.

Current Technological Limitations

Challenges in the widespread adoption of AI and robotics include high implementation costs, ethical considerations, and the need for robust regulatory frameworks to safeguard patient safety and privacy. Concerns also exist about the potential redundancy of human carers due to automation and the long-term sustainability of using robotic devices in care settings.

As the field of AI and robotics in healthcare continues to evolve rapidly, monitoring developments and adapting strategies will be essential for all stakeholders involved in care claims and rehabilitation processes.

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Last modified: February 15, 2024
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