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– **Unveiling the Designer’s Perspective on Subjective Beauty and the Impact of Ephemeral Car Designs**

Car Designers: Sasha Selipanov On AI’s Impact On Automotive Design, Timeless Favorites And More

The famed designer elucidates the objectivity of beauty and the impact of transient car designs on his creative process.

Sasha Selipanov, the mastermind behind the newly established design firm, Hardline27, has left an indelible mark on numerous automotive giants such as Genesis, Bugatti, Koenigsegg, Lamborghini, Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Bentley, Seat, and Hyundai, showcasing his distinctive style and vision.

With a legacy that includes iconic vehicles like the Lamborghini Huracan, Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo, Bugatti Chiron, Genesis Essentia concept, and Koenigsegg CC850 and Gemera projects, Sasha’s two-decade journey in the industry has been nothing short of remarkable. Now, he embarks on the creation of his magnum opus.

For Sasha Selipanov, the realization of founding Hardline27 was the culmination of a lifelong dream, forged through years of collaboration with industry titans and key players.

Having amassed a wealth of expertise over the years, Selipanov delves deep into the role of design in the automotive realm and envisions the future landscape of the industry. If you missed the first segment of his enlightening dialogue series on Hardline27, it’s a must-watch.

CS: Can we definitively claim that beauty, especially in automotive design, is not entirely subjective? Can you elaborate on this perspective? SP: My approach to this matter is rooted in logic and reason. I find solace in employing a methodical and almost scientific approach to my thought process. Being a pragmatist, I’ve strived to harmonize the pursuit of beauty with rationality and functionality. Several influential figures have shaped my philosophical stance on this subject.

Certain elements resonate with us on a nearly instinctual level. Stripped of societal norms and biases, we are inherently drawn to certain phenomena that exude magnificence. Whether it’s the grandeur of nature or the elegance of a finely sculpted object, there are universal aspects that captivate us. This led me to question the notion of beauty being entirely subjective—a convenient narrative that absolves individuals of the weight of their choices and consumption habits. By acknowledging the intrinsic allure of certain creations, we can transcend the notion of subjective beauty and appreciate the essence of aesthetic appeal.

Drawing inspiration from Walter Isaacson’s account of Steve Jobs marveling at the iPhone’s design across different cultures, I realized that certain creations evoke universal admiration, transcending cultural boundaries. This realization reconciled my rational mindset with the pursuit of beauty as a foundational element of our existence—a force that permeates our world effortlessly yet demands deliberate effort to harness and appreciate.

CS: Apart from your own designs, do you have a favorite car design that holds a special place in your heart? SP: I refrain from passing judgment on my own projects, as personal biases can cloud one’s assessment of their work. While there are aspects I appreciate in my designs, I maintain a level-headed approach to evaluating them.

Selecting a single favorite design proves to be a formidable task, given the myriad of automotive marvels that seamlessly blend functionality with artistic brilliance. The timeless elegance of the Ferrari 312P, a diminutive yet striking creation, stands out as a personal favorite. Its unique profile captivated me, sparking moments of sheer admiration and contemplation.

Numerous vehicles, including the Ford GT 40 Mark II, original Defender, Mk I Golf, Ferrari 250 GT short wheelbase, Lancia Stratos rally car, and the legendary 288 GTO, evoke a similar sense of awe and appreciation. Whether sports cars or utilitarian models, each vehicle embodies a harmonious fusion of form and function, making it challenging to single out just one as the ultimate favorite.

CS: How do you perceive the evolving interplay between human creativity, design integrity, and the advancement of AI technology in shaping the future of automotive design? Will AI play a pivotal role in this evolution? SP: The intersection of human creativity, design fidelity, and AI innovation presents a fascinating landscape for exploration. While AI tools leverage vast datasets and algorithms to generate novel design concepts, I prioritize collaboration with visionary individuals who offer holistic perspectives on projects.

Rather than inundating myself with a plethora of random ideas, I value the depth and quality of a few well-considered concepts. AI’s strength lies in generating a multitude of options, which may suit workflows emphasizing quantity over precision. However, the essence of creative problem-solving remains a distinctly human trait, providing us with a competitive edge in delivering innovative solutions.

AI excels in generating ideas but falls short in offering nuanced, creative solutions to complex design challenges. By emphasizing the primacy of ideas over tools, we preserve the essence of human ingenuity in the design process.

CS: In your view, which aspects of automotive design are currently underrepresented or overlooked in industry discourse? SP: While sustainability discussions rightfully focus on environmental conservation, I believe there’s a crucial aspect that warrants greater attention. The intricate process of manufacturing an automobile, involving extensive resources and intricate supply chains, underscores the need for a nuanced approach to conservation.

Beyond the carbon footprint associated with driving, the longevity and durability of vehicles should be central to sustainability dialogues. Rather than viewing cars as disposable commodities subject to fleeting trends, we should emphasize their enduring value and potential for refurbishment.

The prevailing emphasis on cosmetic updates, such as revamped headlights, often overlooks the substantial resources invested in each vehicle’s production. This cycle of rapid aesthetic changes undermines the inherent value of automobiles as meticulously crafted artifacts. By shifting the discourse towards product longevity and refurbishment practices, we can foster a more sustainable approach to automotive design.

CS: What aspect of the design process do you find most challenging on a personal level? SP: The creative process entails navigating moments of self-doubt and relentless pursuit of innovative ideas. Striking a balance between self-critique and creative breakthroughs poses a significant challenge.

The quest for a singular, exceptional idea amidst a sea of possibilities demands unwavering dedication and discernment. The journey from conceptualization to realization is rife with obstacles and self-imposed standards, underscoring the arduous yet rewarding nature of the design process.

Stay tuned for the continuation of our conversation with Sasha in part two, where he shares his insights on upcoming vehicle releases. His candid assessment promises a thought-provoking exploration of automotive design trends.

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Last modified: February 19, 2024
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