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### Pentagon Progresses Towards AI Weapons Making Autonomous Shooting Decisions

The use of drones capable of deciding whether to kill humans is alarming critics.

According to a report by The New York Times, the development of AI-operated drones capable of autonomously selecting targets is nearing implementation.

Countries like the US, China, and Israel are actively working on creating lethal autonomous weapons systems that rely on AI for target selection.

Critics argue that the use of these “killer robots” represents a concerning escalation as it entrusts machines with life-or-death choices on the battlefield without human oversight.

The United States, along with nations such as Russia, Australia, and Israel, is resisting the adoption of such technologies and is endorsing mostly non-binding resolutions, as reported by The Times. Some governments are advocating for the United Nations to impose limitations on the deployment of AI-driven weaponry.

Alexander Kmentt, Austria’s chief negotiator on this issue, emphasized, “This marks a critical juncture for society.” The role of humans in decisions involving the use of force is a fundamental issue encompassing security, legality, and ethics.

Recent reports indicate that the Pentagon is exploring the deployment of swarms of AI-enabled robots on a large scale.

During a speech in August, US Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks asserted that utilizing AI-controlled drone swarms would enable the US to counterbalance China’s numerical superiority in both personnel and armaments.

As per Reuters, “We will counter the PLA’s mass with our own scale, but ours will be more complex to anticipate, strike, and overcome.”

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall informed The Times that AI robots must possess the capability to make critical decisions under human supervision.

Kendall stated that the determining factor between victory and defeat is the ability to make individual decisions, emphasizing that surrendering that capacity is not an option.

He expressed skepticism about adversaries adhering to similar restrictions and highlighted the potential strategic advantage of refraining from imposing such limitations on oneself.

In response to the Russian invasion, Ukraine reportedly deployed AI-operated drones on the battlefield, as per The New Scientist, although there is uncertainty regarding any incidents resulting in human casualties.

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Last modified: February 22, 2024
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