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### Unveiling the AI Beasts: Guest Post by S.A. Patrick

if AI becomes capable of writing unique novels, just for you, that are better than anything youR…

One year ago, in commemoration of the release of A Vanishing of Griffins (Book 2 in the Songs of Magic series), I authored an article on this platform exploring the potential impacts of AI on both readers and writers. You can access that piece here. Now, with the debut of A Thundering of Monsters, the third and currently final installment in the Songs of Magic series, I felt compelled to revisit that article after a year and evaluate its enduring relevance. As we’ve come to realize, a year signifies a significant duration in the realm of AI advancements.

At the time of crafting that article, I pondered whether my reflections were premature: I postulated that it might be merely a decade before AI could generate novels surpassing the pinnacle of human creations, with a maximum timeline of thirty years.

Numerous developments have transpired since then, leading me to believe that, if anything, my estimations were conservative – notably, the introduction of the Sora text-to-video engine. The caliber of content that Sora can produce exceeds expectations by several years compared to my projections, underscoring the unpredictable nature of AI progression. It often underwhelms for extended periods before suddenly delivering astounding outcomes.

The notion of machines surpassing humans in creative endeavors will undoubtedly evoke considerable consternation and apprehension – the doomsayers will undoubtedly be kept occupied. Undoubtedly, there will be disruptions, but what challenges lie ahead?

In my previous article, I arrived at the realization that the essence of writing truly lies in the act of reading. Regrettably, writers are dispensable. Books exist to be encountered by readers, and if AI excels in crafting these experiences, so be it.

The landscape of the industry will undergo a metamorphosis, yet the inertia of transformation implies that conventional publishing will persist for a considerable period. Even after AI authors outshine all human counterparts, I believe there will still be a niche for human-generated content. At least for a while.

However, there was one particular looming concern that troubled me greatly last year, a query I refrained from addressing: if AI attains the capability to compose unique novels tailored exclusively for individuals, surpassing any prior reads in quality, what fate awaits the communal experience of cherishing a beloved book? As any librarian can attest, the act of sharing exceptional books is one of the most gratifying aspects of reading. Consequently, what occurs when you realize that nobody else will ever peruse the book you cherish since they would possess their personalized, perfectly-suited narratives? Would it deplete the fulfillment of the experience for you?

Undoubtedly, it would diminish the significance of our reading encounters, instilling a sense of trepidation within me. Books, movies, games, and music constitute the cornerstone of our collective encounters, enabling us to establish connections with others in manners that would be profoundly lamentable to forfeit.

Upon further contemplation of this scenario, I concluded that the value of sharing the narratives we hold dear is so profound that any competent AI would recognize the necessity of circumventing this predicament.

How? Well, when AI-driven entertainment becomes ubiquitous, whether in a decade or three, there exists one domain where the shared experience will undeniably endure – and indeed, where it will be paramount. Gaming.

The multiplayer dimension will be extraordinary – you and your companions embarking on a grand narrative tailored precisely for your group. Yet, why limit it there? AI would overlook a crucial aspect if it failed to ground gamers’ adventures in environments and scenarios that resonate with the broader gaming community. The joy of disseminating the experience far and wide is too delightful to overlook.

Similar to games, novels will follow suit. The forthcoming reader will derive greater satisfaction from their experience knowing they can engage in discussions, exchanging references and cultural allusions.

So, what shape will the future novel assume? I envision a singular ‘novel’ manifesting in diverse forms, with pacing and style adjusted to suit each reader. AI will resemble a storyteller by the campfire, tailoring the narrative to maximize its impact on the audience, while preserving the captivating essence of the tales.

Subsequently, we can partake in these narratives collectively. Meet the author

Photo credit: James Luscombe

S.A. Patrick is the creative mind behind seven novels. His latest publication, A Thundering of Monsters, culminates the Songs of Magic series – mystical escapades inspired by the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelyn. He aims to pen as many books as possible before the era when AI Overlords dominate the literary domain.

About A Thundering of Monsters The enchanting saga of spell-casting, shape-shifting, and epic fantasy concludes in the third installment of the Songs of Magic trilogy!

Following their confrontation with the malevolent Hamelyn Piper, Patch Brightwater, accompanied by his dracogriff companion Barver and a legion of Pipers, find themselves stranded on a mysterious island teeming with monstrous creatures. Meanwhile, their shapeshifting comrade, Wren, grapples with captivity under the nefarious antagonist, striving to break free from enchanted restraints.

Clad in impenetrable black armor, bolstered by treacherous dragons, the Piper of Hamelyn embarks on a quest for a legendary amulet to attain true immortality. However, Erner Whitlock, an apprentice within the Piper’s Custodian Elite, teeters on the brink of uncovering another adversary with even more sinister intentions … Can Patch and his allies reunite in time to avert impending devastation?


S.A. Patrick’s Songs of Magic trilogy offers a captivating reinterpretation of one of the darkest legends, “The Piper of Hamelyn.” Melding folklore with contemporary storytelling excellence, these books will captivate young aficionados of fantasy hungry for perilous quests, camaraderie forged on the journey, and an innovative magic system that ignites the imagination.

ISBN-13: 9781682635841
Publisher: Holiday House
Publication date: 04/02/2024
Series: Songs of Magic
Age Range: 8 – 12 Years

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