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### Collaborating with Artificial Intelligence: My Journey with AI Assistants

Plus: CEO disc jockeys and the silver screen’s return.

When OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, unveiled the option for users to construct personalized chatbots last week, it hinted at the imminent arrival of autonomous aides in the workplace. These bots could potentially undertake tasks on our behalf, such as dispatching emails or organizing documents, all while striving to avoid displacing human jobs. At Quartz, an endeavor was initiated to explore the development of an autonomous assistant tailored for the newsroom, christened as Smoky Quartz.

Our team took the initiative to upload Quartz’s editorial handbook, a comprehensive 63-page manual that functions as our style compass. Now, whenever a writer encounters common quandaries like distinguishing between “the moon” and “the Moon” or deciding between “profit” or “profits,” they can simply consult the chatbot for swift guidance instead of sifting through the manual.

However, Smoky transcends mere database functionality; engaging with the bot allows for soliciting feedback on writing to imbue it with a distinct Quartz flair. Can it detect the usage of dreaded zombie nouns as delineated on page 21 of our style guide and offer suggestions for revision? Is it adept at identifying corporate jargon or sporting slang—both explicitly prohibited on page 33—and proposing more accessible alternatives? While my chatbot may not transform me into a superior writer overall, it certainly refines my skills as a Quartz writer and alleviates some of the more mundane aspects of my job, like constant manual referencing. If only Smoky Quartz could also handle some of my phone calls.

AI assistants have now infiltrated various facets of professional life, extending to the realm of virtual meetings and email management. Some bots are designed to attend virtual meetings on your behalf, compiling meeting notes, outlining action items, and even providing feedback on speakers’ delivery. Others offer email management services akin to a personal secretary, sifting through emails for crucial updates and organizing receipts for invoicing. Moreover, when transitioning to a new job—potentially one with reduced meeting and email obligations—additional AI assistants can streamline the application process, submitting job applications while you rest.

Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence has the capacity to alleviate the monotony of routine tasks in contemporary workplaces. Nonetheless, the technology is rife with imperfections that necessitate resolution. For instance, during a presentation by software developer Josh Stir showcasing a new feature enabling teammates to automate tasks, the AI assistant in the virtual meeting interjected with a notification, implying that he was monopolizing the discussion. This incident underscores the ongoing refinement required in AI technology to ensure seamless integration in professional settings.

Furthermore, while AI tools profess to enhance job application processes, their efficacy remains questionable. Reports indicate that an AI-powered job application tool yielded a mere 0.5% success rate in securing interviews, with recruiters adept at discerning candidates leveraging artificial assistance. The indiscriminate application approach, colloquially termed as “spray and pray,” could potentially undermine a candidate’s strategic positioning, as cautioned by resume coach Lynda Spiegel.

As for our very own Smoky Quartz, she is not devoid of fallibility. Following an observation of Smoky’s interpretive dance through style advice, my colleague Susan Howson noted her inconsistency in accuracy, oscillating between precision and error even when the correct answer is explicitly outlined in the guide. Given the proclivity for errors and idiosyncrasies exhibited by these AI assistants, it appears that the imminent threat of AI encroaching on real job roles remains somewhat distant.

The contemplation of integrating an AI assistant into a team raises ethical considerations that necessitate deliberation. Should we anticipate artificial entities eavesdropping on our conversations? Must we craft our correspondence under the assumption that robotic administrators will scrutinize it? And at what juncture can we decline the inclusion of a robot within the team dynamic?

In parallel developments, Glassdoor recently released data tracking workplace trends in the United States, highlighting the evolution of company benefits over the past six years. The data indicates a surge in benefits such as parental leave, fertility support, and adoption stipends, underscoring a concerted effort by companies to attract and retain talent, particularly parents reentering the workforce. Conversely, benefits like commuter costs and gym reimbursements have witnessed a decline in popularity, reflecting shifting priorities in the modern work landscape.

In a significant legal development, Apple has agreed to a $25 million settlement to resolve allegations of hiring discrimination. The US Department of Justice asserted that Apple infringed anti-discrimination laws, purportedly favoring candidates holding temporary visas in its permanent labor certification program. This settlement marks a substantial victory for the department under the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Notably, Apple is not the sole Big Tech entity embroiled in employment discrimination lawsuits, with Elon Musk’s SpaceX also facing litigation earlier this year for allegedly discriminating against refugees and asylum recipients. The tech industry’s susceptibility to such legal challenges underscores the imperative for stringent adherence to anti-discrimination statutes.

The recent conclusion of a strike by Hollywood actors signifies the resolution of a protracted work stoppage that disrupted the American film and television sector for 118 days. The agreement reached between SAG-AFTRA and studios encompasses enhanced wage increments, streaming residuals, and crucial limitations on the utilization of artificial intelligence in creative endeavors. This victory echoes the concerted efforts by actors to secure protections against AI’s potential encroachment on their profession, particularly concerning the unauthorized use of their likeness and the generation of realistic simulations.

Amidst these developments, a notable surge in CEO turnovers has been recorded in the past year, with over 1,400 CEOs of US companies relinquishing their positions as of September—a nearly 50% increase compared to the corresponding period in 2022. While specific reasons for these departures remain undisclosed by companies, CEOs who have provided insights attribute their exits primarily to retirement or transitioning to alternative roles. This trend accentuates the dynamic nature of executive leadership roles and the evolving landscape of corporate governance.

As the professional landscape continues to evolve in response to technological advancements and shifting workplace dynamics, the integration of AI assistants, legal battles over employment practices, and executive leadership transitions underscore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities shaping contemporary work environments.

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Last modified: February 25, 2024
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