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### Innovative Applications of Generative AI by Walmart

Discover how Walmart is revolutionizing retail by integrating generative AI across its operations, …

Walmart has a history of embracing new technologies and driving transformation, positioning itself as the world’s largest retailer through innovation rather than clinging to traditional methods. By incorporating generative AI into various aspects of its operations, Walmart sets a prime example for other businesses to glean insights from.

Application of Generative AI at Walmart

Enhancing the Shopping Experience

In recognizing the repetitive nature of grocery shopping, Walmart has introduced voice shopping to facilitate the reordering of common items. Through the Walmart Voice Order service, customers can effortlessly add items to their cart by simply voicing out their requests, leveraging AI to identify preferred brands based on previous purchases.

Additionally, the Text to Shop feature enables customers to interact with Walmart through text messages, utilizing conversational AI to search for products, manage their cart, reorder items, and arrange for delivery or pickup.

Moreover, Walmart is rolling out an online AI shopping assistant to aid customers in discovering suitable products for their specific needs or events. By offering personalized recommendations, this tool streamlines the shopping process without necessitating extensive individual searches.

Voice Assistance for In-Store Associates

Walmart extends the benefits of generative AI to its in-store associates with the introduction of Ask Sam, a conversational AI designed to address various queries such as locating products, checking prices, or accessing work schedules. Associates can simply engage with the AI assistant to obtain relevant information effortlessly.

Improving Customer Service

By leveraging generative AI in customer service chatbots, Walmart enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions. This advanced technology enables chatbots to interpret and respond to inquiries in a more intelligent and human-like manner, streamlining processes and reducing customer contacts significantly. Walmart’s implementation of generative AI has led to immediate responses to queries regarding returns, order status, and more, enhancing the customer service experience.

Automating Supplier Negotiations

Walmart explores the application of generative AI in supplier negotiations, utilizing chatbots to engage with suppliers and close deals effectively. Through automated negotiations, Walmart achieved cost savings and extended payment terms, demonstrating the potential of AI in optimizing supplier relationships while providing a positive experience for vendors.

Empowering Employees with Innovative Solutions

To harness the full potential of generative AI, Walmart encourages employee involvement in identifying suitable applications for the technology. By making the My Assistant generative AI tool accessible to corporate facility employees, Walmart aims to streamline repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on enhancing the customer experience. This inclusive approach fosters creativity and engagement among employees, enabling them to contribute practical ideas for leveraging generative AI in their daily responsibilities.

Walmart’s proactive integration of generative AI throughout its operations serves as a compelling model for organizations seeking to leverage transformative technologies effectively. By embracing innovation and involving employees in the adoption process, Walmart sets a precedent for driving efficiency, enhancing customer service, and fostering creativity in the workplace.

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Tags: Last modified: February 27, 2024
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