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### Influencing AI Policy: Building Relationships with the AI Community

Analyst Paul Smith-Goodson discusses the work of the AI Alliance and considers the possible outcome…

The AI Alliance, established in December 2023 with over 50 founding members, has recently welcomed nearly 30 additional participants. This global coalition comprises corporations, academic institutions, research organizations, governmental bodies, and non-profit entities united in advancing the cause of responsible and ethical artificial intelligence.

Dedicated to fostering transparent collaboration, setting governance standards for AI, offering testing and evaluation tools, advocating policy frameworks, promoting education, and nurturing hardware ecosystems, the AI Alliance has introduced its inaugural working groups. These include the AI Safety and Trust Tooling work group and the AI Policy Advocacy work group.

The AI Safety and Trust Tooling team is tasked with furnishing insights and best practices related to AI safety, trustworthiness, ethics, and cybersecurity. Their responsibilities encompass the development of tools, blogs, newsletters, and whitepapers aimed at enhancing sensitive data detection, model quality assessment, alignment, and cybersecurity defense mechanisms. Additionally, they will establish benchmarks for evaluating AI models and applications.

On the other hand, the AI Policy Advocacy working group will convene forums uniting technical experts and policymakers to deliberate on opportunities and challenges in open AI innovation. Their agenda includes disseminating information and viewpoints on critical policy matters that champion open-source initiatives and innovative practices, with the ultimate goal of influencing policymakers and fostering responsible AI protocols.

The founding members of the AI Alliance, spearheaded by IBM and Meta, have embarked on a mission to construct a robust foundation for AI that addresses governance, supply chain intricacies, and privacy issues. Noteworthy participants in this alliance encompass leading tech firms, AI service providers, and academic bodies such as Intel, Oracle, Cornell, AMD, the National Science Foundation, Dell, Hugging Face, Red Hat, Stability AI, and ServiceNow, among others.

Strategically positioned as a collaborative industry consortium, the AI Alliance serves as a unified front against major non-member AI entities like Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, and OpenAI. As the alliance gains momentum within the sector, its influence on regulatory frameworks is set to grow, potentially shaping markets and policies to align with its vision.

The AI Alliance’s roadmap includes the establishment of an AI hardware accelerator ecosystem, the development of testing and benchmarking tools for AI deployment, and a focus on open AI policies. Furthermore, the alliance aims to define model scaling parameters encompassing size, accuracy, cost, and sustainability to strike a balance between model complexity and utility.

Among the recent additions to the AI Alliance are industry players such as Anaconda, Applied Digital, Citadel AI, Core42, Databricks, Domino Data Lab, ESADE, Hitachi, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Impact AI, Kera Health Platforms, LastMile AI, Lightning AI, MLOps Community, NEC Corporation, New Native Inc., Neo4j, Northeastern University, Predibase, SeedAI, Snowflake, Inc., Uber, University at Buffalo, University of Pennsylvania, University of Technology in Poznan: Interdisciplinary Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, University of Utah, Weights & Biases, and Zilliz.

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Tags: Last modified: February 18, 2024
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