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### Jon Stewart Nails the Most Alarming Risk of Artificial Intelligence

“The Daily Show” host compares the promise of technology to what’s really happeni…

Jon Stewart is skeptical of the grand promises made by tech CEOs regarding the potential of artificial intelligence to address significant issues like climate change and disease eradication. He expressed his doubts, particularly after witnessing Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg showcasing AI technology by making toast for breakfast on “The Daily Show.”

In a humorous yet critical tone, Stewart questioned the rationale behind using AI for such trivial tasks, stating, “Are you out of your mind?” He emphasized his ability to make toast manually, highlighting it as a technology that consistently delivers results. Stewart humorously suggested that tech leaders focus on more pressing matters like curing diseases and combating climate change while leaving toast-making to the traditional methods.

However, Stewart’s primary concern lies not with toast but with the potential impact of AI on employment opportunities. He raised apprehensions about how new technologies are frequently employed to replace human workers. Stewart played clips of industry giants inadvertently revealing this reality, with IBM CEO Arvind Krishna acknowledging that AI could accomplish tasks with fewer personnel, implying potential job displacement.

Criticizing this trend, Stewart characterized the AI narrative as a deceptive “bait and switch” strategy. He cautioned about the repercussions of this approach, highlighting the implications of using AI to streamline operations at the expense of human employment.

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