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### AI Bot Created by Students Unlocks Access to Yale Philosopher’s Works

LuFlot Bot, a generative AI chatbot trained on the works of Yale philosopher Luciano Floridi, answe…

The advantages of generative artificial intelligence (AI) often remain obscured from the general public, with research typically hidden behind inexpensive paywalls and written in complex language that is challenging for non-academics to grasp.

Nicolas Gertler, a freshman at Yale College, recognized a potential solution to these obstacles through the distinctive capabilities of conceptual AI.

LuFlot offers a platform for in-depth exploration of the ethical dilemmas presented by this groundbreaking technology.

Nicolas Gertler

A groundbreaking experiment led by researchers at Yale’s Digital Ethics Center (DEC) has leveraged generative AI to make scholarly texts more accessible to the public. The brainchild behind this initiative, the Luciano Floridi Bot (LuFlot), developed by Rithvik Sabnekar, a skilled high school junior and programming expert from Texas, has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of data concepts and intellectual discourse.

This innovative tool marks a significant milestone by being the first robot trained on a professor’s extensive library and offered to the public at no cost.

Gertler elaborated on the project’s aim, stating, “The objective was to democratize Professor Floridi’s research, which touches upon universal themes and resonates with an audience increasingly cognizant of AI’s impact. LuFlot serves as a platform for comprehensive discussions on the ethical implications of this transformative technology.”

Trained on Floridi’s comprehensive body of work spanning over three decades, the bot swiftly provides users with detailed and comprehensible responses derived from this vast repository of knowledge.

Moreover, it can synthesize information from diverse sources, establishing connections between works that even Floridi might not have envisioned.

By offering in-text citations, users can trace the origins of the information directly back to the primary texts. In scenarios where queries extend beyond Floridi’s expertise, the bot gracefully acknowledges its limitations. However, it excels in delivering prompt and thorough responses to relevant inquiries. For instance, when prompted on the ethical use of AI, it promptly generated a concise, eight-point response with proper citations.

[LuFlot] provided an insightful response that referenced concepts and ideas I had overlooked.

Luciano Floridi

The interactive nature of the program allows users to pose follow-up questions, fostering engaging dialogues with the leading authority on knowledge theory.

Gertler emphasized the inclusive nature of the platform, stating, “Individuals, irrespective of their familiarity with AI, can engage with the website, pose questions, and interact with the foremost expert in the field of knowledge theory. I find that aspect truly remarkable.”

Users are advised to scrutinize responses carefully, recognizing the potential for inaccuracies or biases in the information provided.

Floridi, a prominent figure in Yale’s Cognitive Science Program, expressed admiration for the bot and its youthful creators.

Acknowledging the relevance of offering a tool for addressing societal concerns related to modern technology and AI ethics, Floridi commended the team behind the app. He remarked, “The app represents a valuable resource. Nick and Ricky deserve full credit for their efforts. I merely play a supporting role.”

In fact, Floridi himself sought insights from the bot on a historical document, marveling at the bot’s ability to draw connections between his past works and current inquiries.

He shared, “The response I received accurately referenced concepts and ideas I had overlooked in my writing. It seamlessly connects my recent publications with those dating back to 1991, which is truly remarkable.”

Fostering Intellectual Curiosity

Gertler, a native of Los Angeles, developed an interest in the cultural implications of AI after exploring related content on platforms like YouTube five years ago.

Reflecting on his passion for contemplating the ethical and political dimensions of emerging technologies, particularly their potential to empower marginalized communities, Gertler is actively involved in youth-led initiatives such as Encode Justice. This group, comprising over 1,000 high school and college students, advocates for leveraging AI for societal good. Gertler serves as the AI and learning consultant for Encode Justice and holds the position of vice president at Fidutam, a civil society organization dedicated to promoting ethical frameworks and responsible systems.

At the DEC, Gertler delves into the application of generative AI to enhance educational frameworks, fostering enriched learning experiences. Additionally, as Yale’s inaugural “AI student ambassador” at the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, he collaborates with faculty members to integrate AI tools into teaching practices and develop resources for navigating the ethical dimensions of AI in education.

For Gertler, the essence of utilizing this technology lies in expanding knowledge and honing critical thinking skills.

Nicolas Gertler

The inception of the LuFlot project traces back to Gertler’s presentation of a chatbot in his cognitive science class, which caught Floridi’s attention. This interaction sparked the idea of creating LuFlot, a bespoke chatbot with a unique interface, developed from scratch rather than relying on existing tools like ChatGPT. Collaborating with Sabnekar, a talented student from Plano East Senior High School in Texas, Gertler embarked on establishing Mylon Education, a startup aimed at harmonizing human creativity with AI-driven support. LuFlot stands as the maiden endeavor of this innovative venture.

Gertler underscored the mission of Mylon Education, emphasizing the synergy between human ingenuity and AI-enabled frameworks. He articulated, “Our objective is to integrate AI tools seamlessly into the creative process, empowering individuals without impeding their autonomy. It’s not about delegating essay writing to a chatbot. The true essence lies in leveraging this technology to broaden knowledge and enhance critical thinking skills.”

Floridi emphasized the transformative impact of generative AI on learning methodologies, necessitating novel approaches to education.

LuFlot exemplifies the efficacy of training an AI chatbot on a scholar’s body of work to deliver high-quality responses efficiently and affordably, Floridi noted. This approach could be extended to other scholars or course materials, revolutionizing the learning experience for students.

He remarked, “It transcends the conventional practice of merely digitizing lecture notes. LuFlot embodies dynamic engagement, offering personalized responses that evolve with user interactions. Unlike static texts, the bot adapts to varying queries and prompts for specificity, evolving as users provide additional information.”

In Floridi’s view, LuFlot represents a dynamic evolution in knowledge-sharing, departing from the static nature of traditional mediums.

“The bot’s dynamic nature ensures that each interaction yields unique insights. It responds differently to variations of the same query, allowing users to explore nuances and delve deeper into specific topics. As users contribute more data, the bot’s capabilities expand, fostering a dynamic learning environment,” he concluded.

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