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– Issaquah Lawmaker Steps In to Address AI-Created Thin Images of Local Residents

The Issaquah School District has reported that the dissemination of altered images commenced in mid-October.

Following the circulation of artificially manipulated images of students from Issaquah High School, legislators in Washington took notice of the situation.

The district confirmed that the distribution of these images began in mid-October, with communication primarily directed towards the affected families, although the broader student body is cognizant of the issue.

Audrey, a student at the school, emphasized, “The involvement of AI does not diminish the reality of the situation.”

Authorities in Issaquah acknowledged the matter and initiated an investigation. However, existing laws related to child pornography necessitate the use of actual images of individuals, leaving a regulatory gap in addressing such misconduct.

Audrey advocated for legislative measures that equate the severity of the offense with the harm inflicted on the subjects depicted in the images.

State lawmaker Mark Mullet, who currently has two children enrolled at the school, became aware of the incident and reflected on the legislative actions taken in the past, including the revision of the 2015 punishment video act during the recent session. He stressed the urgency for further legislative updates in response to the distressing event at Issaquah High School.

Mullet expressed confidence in the passage of a bill during the upcoming 2024 legislative session, scheduled to commence in January, underscoring the imperative to proactively address and prevent similar incidents.

He emphasized, “Rather than delving into investigations at this moment, the priority lies in amending our laws to forestall future occurrences.”

Calls have been made for school districts to establish standardized protocols, recognizing the persistent nature of such threats. Enhancing awareness among students and parents about the incident and its potential recurrence is seen as a crucial initial step in fortifying the educational system against similar risks.

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Last modified: February 8, 2024
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