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– Sports Illustrated Embraces AI-Generated Content: Stories, Photos, and Authors

The magazine denied claims that some articles themselves were AI-assisted, but has cut ties with a …

Computer-generated writers … writing computer-generated stories?

In a recent development, Sports Illustrated has come under scrutiny for its association with a company that produced articles under fictitious author names, raising questions about transparency in the era of artificial intelligence. Although the publication denied allegations of using AI tools to generate content, the incident has added to a series of missteps in the media industry regarding the use of technology in storytelling.

While experimenting with AI is not uncommon in various sectors, concealing its involvement can undermine the core principles of journalism centered around truth and openness. According to Tom Rosenstiel, a journalism ethics professor at the University of Maryland, the issue lies not in utilizing AI but in the lack of transparency surrounding its use.

Sports Illustrated, now managed by the Arena Group, faced allegations of featuring articles with unidentifiable authors for product reviews. The discovery by Futurism, which identified AI-generated portraits associated with these authors, led to the removal of such content from the magazine’s website without a clear explanation.

Furthermore, reports indicated that artificial intelligence was utilized in creating some of the content, contradicting the magazine’s initial claims. The involvement of a third-party company, AdVon Commerce, in producing these articles under pen names further complicated the situation, prompting Sports Illustrated to terminate the partnership and launch an internal investigation.

Similarly, Gannett and CNET have encountered challenges with AI-generated content, leading to errors and public backlash due to insufficient disclosure about the use of technology in writing articles. While some companies like Buzzfeed have been transparent about integrating AI into their content creation process, others have faced criticism for not being forthcoming about the role of technology in journalism.

As the media industry navigates the complexities of AI integration, maintaining transparency and upholding journalistic standards are essential to building trust with readers. The need for clear communication regarding the use of AI in storytelling remains paramount to ensure credibility and integrity in news reporting.

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Last modified: February 8, 2024
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