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### Innovative Spanish AI Technology Creates Online Buzz and Rakes in Nearly Rs 3 Crore Monthly

A Spanish influencer agency has created the AI model named Aitana and said she receives weekly priv…

A sports product corporation now operates under the name Aitana.

Warnings about the rapid advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities have been raised by tech moguls like Elon Musk. During the AI Safety Summit in London, Mr. Musk conveyed to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that there might come a point when AI renders employment obsolete. This prediction seems to be materializing with the emergence of an AI concept created by a Spanish celebrity agency, modeled after a 25-year-old woman named Aitana Lopez, as reported in Euronews. Aitana, sporting pink hair, boasts a following of 122,000 Instagram fans.

Reportedly, Aitana receives frequent private messages from celebrities seeking to go on dates with her.

Upon reviewing their operations, it was noted that certain projects were being delayed or scrapped due to factors beyond their control. Ruben Cruz, the designer at The Clueless, mentioned to Euronews that often influencers or models were the cause of setbacks rather than design issues.

Aitana is utilized by the company when engaging with clients, as per Mr. Cruz.

Mr. Cruz mentioned that the virtual model can earn up to 10,000 euros (over Rs. 9 lakh) per month, although the average monthly income stands at around 3,000 euros ($ .72 lakh).

“We realized that we could have a more stable income and avoid relying on individuals with varying personalities, mood swings, or those who simply aim to pose for substantial sums of money,” stated Mr. Cruz.

Aitana now serves as the face of Big, a sports product company, and also shares content on Fanvue, a platform similar to OnlyFans.

One day, a prominent Latin American artist sent her a message expressing interest in meeting up. Some team members used to watch this actor’s TV show during their youth. With approximately 5 million followers, the artist was unaware that Aitana was not a real person, as disclosed by Mr. Cruz.

Annually, the team responsible for Aitana convenes to plan out her lifestyle. They decide on her weekly activities, the places she frequents, and the photos she posts.

The integration of AI and fashion principles is achieved through Photoshop; there are no photo sessions or outfit changes involved.

Given Aitana’s popularity, her creators have introduced Maia, a second virtual entity described as “a bit more reserved.” Both names are intentionally chosen to incorporate the abbreviation for artificial intelligence (AI).

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Last modified: February 8, 2024
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