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– California Senator Proposes Legislation Prohibiting Collaboration with Unethical AI Companies

It will create ethical and safety standards to follow.

Expenses related to governing AI systems, particularly those utilized by state agencies, have been brought to light by a subsequent California state senator.

Senator Steve Padilla, a Democrat, put forth Senate Bills 892 and 893, aiming to establish a standardized AI tool and a “safe and ethical framework” for AI within the state. Senate Bill 892 will require the California Department of Technology to set forth security, privacy, and non-discrimination guidelines for AI-driven services. Moreover, it prohibits the state from engaging AI services unless the providers adhere to the specified criteria.

On the other hand, SB 893, another bill introduced by Padilla, seeks to establish an AI research hub in California to provide academics with access to essential resources and data for research purposes.

The legislative efforts initiated by California Senator Scott Wiener in the previous year are in line with Padilla’s endeavors. Wiener’s proposal called for the establishment of a state AI research center, implementation of safety protocols, and enforcement of accountability standards for cutting-edge AI models. However, this particular legislation is still in the early stages and requires further development before potential approval.

California is currently home to a plethora of companies and investors with a primary focus on AI technologies. Recent legislative actions in the state have targeted the tech industry, including regulations addressing the right-to-repair act and comprehensive online safety measures for minors.

Nationally, several politicians have introduced regulations concerning AI. The No Fakes Act aims to regulate image usage to protect individuals from unauthorized online dissemination, while the AI Foundation Model Transparency Act proposes that AI companies disclose their data sources. Additionally, there are legislative proposals seeking to prohibit the use of AI in political campaign advertisements. Despite an executive order from the Biden administration on technology, no substantial federal regulations have been enacted to specifically address concerns regarding IoT security.

In response to the lack of federal action, numerous state legislators have taken the initiative to introduce state-level regulations. States such as Texas, West Virginia, North Dakota, Louisiana, and Puerto Rico have mandated the monitoring and scrutiny of AI techniques utilized by government agencies. Connecticut has also decided to assess all AI services it employs regularly to ensure compliance with regulations.

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Last modified: January 17, 2024
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