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### Google Report: Conceptual AI to Elevate Cyber Threats

With generative AI, cyber attacks are about to get a lot smarter. Here’s what to expect.

As technology progresses with advancements like conceptual AI, so do security threats. Google’s most recent security forecast highlights the emerging risks associated with the proliferation of AI.

Recently, Google introduced its Google Cloud Cybersecurity Forecast 2024, a collaborative effort with various security teams, to analyze the virtual landscape in the coming year.

The report indicates that cyber threats leveraging generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are on the rise, enabling attackers to create more convincing voice and video content for malicious activities like phishing, SMS scams, and social engineering schemes.

The use of relational AI complicates the detection of phishing attempts by mimicking natural language patterns effectively, making it challenging to spot common red flags such as spelling errors and grammatical inaccuracies.

Moreover, attackers can leverage genuine LLM content to craft tailored messages that align with their objectives while retaining the original style of the input.

Australia is also investigating the Optus outage that impacted millions of users, highlighting the real-world implications of cybersecurity incidents.

The forecast predicts a surge in the adoption of LLMs and other conceptual AI tools offered as paid services, empowering attackers to launch more sophisticated and cost-effective attacks.

Malicious actors can exploit generative AI to fabricate various content types, such as deceptive messages or media, to deceive targets for illicit gains, as demonstrated in cases where AI was used to impersonate acquaintances for fraudulent purposes.

Furthermore, the manipulation of data through AI poses a significant threat, enabling the creation of deceptive news, fraudulent communications, and fabricated multimedia using AI-generated prompts and models.

The report also touches on the concept of going passwordless and the transformative potential of passkeys in enhancing security measures.

These nefarious activities orchestrated through AI could erode public trust in online information and data integrity, potentially leading to widespread skepticism and disbelief in digital content.

As cyber warfare escalates, AI is leveraged by both attackers and defenders to bolster their strategies, with initiatives like Microsoft’s Secure Future Initiative aiming to address the evolving cybersecurity landscape through proactive measures.

In conclusion, AI offers substantial advantages to cybersecurity defenders, empowering them to bolster their defenses, streamline operations, and proactively mitigate emerging threats. By harnessing conceptual AI for data analysis and rapid response, defenders can stay ahead of evolving cyber risks in 2024 and beyond.

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Last modified: December 26, 2023
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