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### Embracing AI: San Ramon School District Encourages Teachers

An East Bay school district is urging teachers and students to embrace artificial intelligence tool…

SAN RAMON, California – Encouraging the integration of artificial intelligence tools such as Chat GPT in educational settings, the San Ramon Unified School District advocates for leveraging these technologies to enrich classroom learning experiences. School district leaders assert that prohibiting the use of AI in academic tasks is counterproductive.

The significance of artificial intelligence in education was underscored during a comprehensive presentation at the San Ramon Unified School District board meeting. Kelly Hilton, the technology director at SRVUSD, stressed the value of incorporating AI into the educational framework, acknowledging the prevailing apprehensions regarding its implementation.

Exploring the potential of AI in education since the introduction of Chat GPT in November 2022, the district aims to utilize this technology to stimulate critical thinking skills while also establishing boundaries for its appropriate application.

In a recent meeting, more than 30 educators and administrators from middle and high schools within the district convened to deliberate on the suitable use of AI in academic settings, including curriculum development, assignments, and homework. Addressing concerns such as plagiarism, educators are collaboratively defining guidelines to uphold academic integrity.

Observable changes in assignment submission methods have been noted by students, with a shift towards traditional handwritten tasks to deter plagiarism. Student perspectives reflect an understanding of the necessity for academic honesty, even in the digital age.

Educators at the board meeting shared innovative approaches to leverage AI for enhancing student engagement. For instance, Kyle Costamanga, a middle school math and technology instructor, proposed adapting math problems to align with students’ interests, such as incorporating references to popular culture icons like Taylor Swift.

Advocates of AI integration, including Samantha Goodman, a social studies teacher at Monte Vista High School, emphasize the importance of equipping students with relevant skills for future success. Recognizing the practical value of AI tools in preparing students for a technology-driven workforce, educators stress the importance of embracing these advancements in education.

To foster a deeper understanding of AI integration in the academic curriculum, the San Ramon Unified School District will host an informational session for parents and students on Wednesday at 6 p.m.

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Tags: , Last modified: February 22, 2024
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