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### Introducing AI-Enabled Scientific Lab by Saadé from CMA CGM and Eric Schmidt

Having recorded the greatest annual profits in French history last year, Rodolphe Saadé, the chairm…

The investment activities of Rodolphe Saadé, the chairman of CMA CGM, have diversified beyond the company’s core container shipping business following a record-breaking financial performance in Europe last year. Apart from its traditional shipping operations, CMA CGM has ventured into new sectors such as media and air cargo services, with its latest initiative focusing on artificial intelligence (AI).

Recently, Saadé introduced Kyutai, an AI research laboratory, during an event attended by prominent figures like Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, and Xavier Niel, a notable European entrepreneur. Kyutai, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to advancing AI research and development, particularly in the realm of creating advanced multimodal models that integrate text, sound, and images. The lab aims to enhance the reliability and efficiency of AI algorithms, leveraging the computational resources provided by Scaleway, a tech division under Niel’s umbrella.

With a substantial investment totaling nearly EUR300 million ($327.5 million), Kyutai was established through a collaboration between Niel’s iliad Group, CMA CGM, and Schmidt Futures. The initiative seeks to empower the younger generation and industry experts alike to leverage the potential of AI technology for innovation and progress. By fostering collaboration among key stakeholders in the AI ecosystem, including researchers, developers, businesses, and policymakers, Kyutai aims to drive advancements in AI technology and its applications.

Saadé emphasized the importance of collective efforts in advancing AI research to ensure competitiveness and innovation in the business landscape. By embracing cutting-edge technologies like AI, CMA CGM aims to position itself at the forefront of AI development in France and Europe. Saadé envisions a future where collaboration and innovation pave the way for transformative growth and sustainable progress in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Last modified: February 23, 2024
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