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– Unveiling the Potential of AI: Robots as the Next Big Innovation

The humanoid robots market is expected to be worth $13.8 billion by 2028.

On July 6, 2023, the humanoid robot known as “Rmeca” will be showcased at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.

The concept of robots resembling humans has long been a staple of science fiction films, but advancements in technology are bringing this idea closer to reality. These human-like machines could potentially revolutionize various industries, marking a significant development in the era of artificial intelligence (AI).

Market research by MarketsandMarkets suggests that the industry could reach a value of $13.8 billion by 2028. However, the widespread integration of humanoid robots into everyday life, whether in workplaces or public spaces, is still a distant prospect.

Despite the futuristic allure of these creations, Business Insider has examined eight of the most advanced models currently in development.

In August, Apptronik introduced its latest humanoid robot, Apollo.


Jeff Cardenas, the co-founder and CEO of Apptronik, emphasized the importance of designing robots that can seamlessly navigate human environments and interact with tools just like humans. This approach aims to create a world where robots can adapt to our existing infrastructure without requiring significant modifications.


Apptronik traces its origins back to a research lab at the University of Texas established in 2016.


Apptronik’s roots can be traced back to the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of Texas. The collaboration with NASA on the Valkyrie project marked a significant milestone for the lab’s research efforts.

Subsequently, Apptronik forged a partnership with NASA to develop the Apollo humanoid robot.

NASA’s Valkyrie robot is specifically designed to operate in hazardous conditions in space.


The University of Edinburgh is utilizing this technology for research purposes.


The University of Edinburgh is leveraging this advanced robotic system to make strides in human-robot interaction, motion planning, and perception. Described as one of the most sophisticated humanoid robots globally, this technology is at the forefront of research initiatives.

Ameca, an innovative robot created by Engineered Arts, is capable of simulating dreams.


Ameca utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3 capabilities for communication. While Engineered Arts showcased the robot’s ability to explore various scenarios in a YouTube video, CEO Will Jackson clarified that Ameca operates based on scripted actions without true intelligence or long-term memory.

Jackson emphasized that while imbuing robots with individual characteristics is appealing, the current focus remains on conceptual frameworks rather than personalized traits.

Amazon is currently testing its Robotics Agility robot, Digit, at a dedicated R&D facility.


Robotics Agility’s CEO, Damion Shelton, highlighted Digit’s design for safe and efficient operation in human-centric environments, initially focusing on material handling within warehouses and distribution centers. The potential for Digit to expand its capabilities to cater to consumer needs is a prospect for the future.

Dictador, a beverage manufacturer, appointed a humanoid robot as its CEO.


Dictador recently appointed a humanoid robot named Mika as its CEO, responsible for customer identification and artist selection for product packaging. Mika, equipped with multiple AI interfaces including GPT, delivers speeches through an integrated speaker, drawing insights from a diverse range of AI sources.

Tesla unveiled its humanoid robot, Optimus, at the 2022 AI Day event.


Elon Musk’s vision for the Tesla Bot, powered by the Optimus platform, aims to revolutionize the human-robot interaction landscape within the next few years. Musk highlighted the robot’s evolving capabilities, from basic movements to potentially mastering complex activities like ballet in the future.

Sophia, a renowned creation by Hanson Robotics, has captivated audiences worldwide with its performances.


David Hanson, the CEO of Hanson Robotics, spearheaded the development of Sophia, a humanoid robot that has graced prestigious stages globally. From delivering speeches at prominent events to appearing on popular shows like The Tonight Show, Sophia has become an icon in the realm of humanoid robotics.

Hanson Robotics, based in Hong Kong, has a diverse portfolio of human-like robots beyond Sophia.

Boston Dynamics, known for its robotic innovations, has expanded its repertoire to include humanoid robots akin to those seen in “Black Mirror.”


Spot, one of Boston Dynamics’ robotic creations, can now articulate complete sentences as of May. Collaborating with Levatas, Boston Dynamics integrated OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its machines, enhancing their communication capabilities.

Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robots, including Atlas, exhibit remarkable agility and the ability to navigate challenging terrains, as showcased in videos on their website.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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